Kesan maklum balas dalam pengajaran berbantuan komputer : terhadap pencapaian pelajar yang berbeza tahap kebimbangan matematik.
Abdul Manan, Nor Hayati Binti
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The purpose of this study in to examine the effects of feedback in computer assisted
intruction on the achievement of students with different levels of mathematics anxiety.
The study focuses on the topic of Negative Integers. Three softwares differentiated only
by their feedback contents were designed and developed by the researcher. Feedback
modes used were elaborative feedback (EF), knowledge of correct response feedback
(KCR) and ·knowledge of response feedback (KOR).
This quasi experimental study uses the 3 x 2 factorial design. The independent variables
were 3 feedback modes while the dependent variable was scores from a mathematics
post test given immediately after treatment. Levels of maths anxiety were the
intervening variables .
A total of 135 Form I students from two schools were randomly grouped into six
treatment goups. t-test showed significant differences in mathematics achievements of
students with different levels of maths anxiety. High maths anxious students performed
lower in the post test compared to the low maths anxious students. t-test also revealed
significant differences in the post test scores of students receiving different modes of
feedback. Students with EF outperformed those from the KOR and KCR groups.
ANCOVA"revealed feedback as the variable that gave a significant main effect on the
post test scores. Regression analysis confirmed a 2.9 % feedback contribution compared
to other variables. Thus feedback was proven to he among the many variables that could
affect the achievement of students with mathematics anxiety in a computer assisted
instruction setting.
Pengajaran berbantuan komputer , Tahap kebimbangan matematik