Taksonomi dan diversiti araceae dl sungai-sungai Semenanjung Malaysia
Sulaiman, Baharuddin
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A distribution study of the family Araceae was initiated in 1993 along several rivers in
Peninsular Malaysia. The main study areas, all in the state of Perak, were Pondok
Tanjung Forest Reserve, Belum Forest Reserve and Temenggor Forest Reserve.
Pando~ Tanjung Forest Reserve, a freshwater swamp forest harboured 25 species of
aroid in 15 genera. In the primary forest of Belum and Temenggor Forest Reserve, 20
species in 12 genera were recorded. A total of 60 aroid species in 20 genera were
found in Peninsular Malaysia. Seventy five percent of the genera were found in
freshwater swamp forest (Pondok Tanjung Forest Reserve) and 33.3% were found in
primary forest (Belum and Temenggor Forest Reserve).
The genera and species found were Ag/aonema ( A. griffithii, A. oblongifolium and A.
schottianum ); Alocasia ( A. denudata, A. longiloba and A macrorrhizos );
Amorphophal/us ( A. bufo, A. campanulatus and A. prainii ); Anadendrum ( A.
montanum and A. marginatum ); Amydrium ( A. humile ); Arisaema ( A. anomalum, A.
roxburghii and A. wrayi ); Colocasia ( C. esculenta ); Cryptocoryne ( C. affinis, C.
ciliata, C. cordata, C. elliptica, C. minima, C. griffithii, C. purpurea, C. longicauda, C.
nurii and C. schu/zei ); Cyrtosperrna ( C. /asioides ); Epipremnum ( E. mirabile );
Homalomena (H. alba, H. angustifolia, H. coerulescens, H. deltoidea, H. elliptica,
H. humi/is, H. falcata, H. sagittifo/ia, H. trapezifolia, H. rostrata and H. undu/atifolia );
Lasia ( L. eculeata ) ; Piptospatha ( P. perakensis and P. ridleyi ); Pistia ( P. stratiotes
); Pothos ( P. scandens ); Raphidophora ( R. beccarii, R. crassifolia, R. lobbii and
R. korthalsii ); Schismatoglottis ( S. brevicuspis, S. calyptrata, S. ca/yptrata var.
conco/or, S. ca/yptrata var. picta, S. calyptrata var. ornata and Schismatog/ottis sp. );
Scindapsus ( S. perakensis ); Syngonium ( S. podophyllum ) and Typhonium ( T.
trilobatum ).
The genera Cryptocoryne and Arisaema were endemic to Peninsular Malaysia.
Aglaonema oblongifolium, Alocasia denudata and Raphidophora beccarii were among
the dominant species recorded. A new habitat for Cryptocoryne affinis was found in
Sungai Lebar, Temenggor Forest Reserve. C. nurii which was once reported extinct was
found in Sungai Sireh, Johor. A species of Schismatog/ottis collected from Lata
Kinjang showed different characteristics from the species known in Peninsular Malaysia.
Insects of the Order Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Araneida were
the main pollinator of aroid. Based on statistical analysis, Order Diptera and Coleoptera
showed a spatial clumped pattern whereas Order Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and
Araneida showed spatial random pattern of distribution. In addition, cluster analysis of
aroid characteristics (SPSS) showed that most of the aroid were found in forest
especially near rivers and wetlands. Only one introduced species recorded was
Syngonium podophyllum . Pistia stratiotes was the only true floating aquatic aroid
observed in the study.
Diversiti araceae , Semenanjung Malaysia , Sungai-sungai