Traditional Melanau woodcarving (Bilum) in Dalat, Sarawak

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Chong, Chin Seng
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse, classify and interpret the traditional woodcarving (bilum) of the Melanau in Dalat in its cultural context by using morphological, stylistic and analytical techniques and, when possible, iconographic interpretation. In doing so, I have included anthropological and historical datao Although the tradition of bilum-making has been known to researchers since the late nineteenth century, there has never been a systematic attempt to combine historical sources, museum specimens, existing documentation and field-work, to constitute a single and comprehensive study. In this thesis, I have been guided by this view. This thesis consists of 7 chapters, including 52 plates, 3 tables and 3 maps. The first chapter is devoted to the study of the cultural background of the different ethnic groups in Sarawak to gain an insight into the possibility of cultural diffusion among the indigenous people and their origins, with emphasis on the Melanau society in Dalat in relation to its own context on the economic, political and social organisation. The second chapter explains why Dalat was chosen as a resource centre for studying the traditional Melanau 'bilum with special reference to five villages, namely: Kampong Sungai Ud, Kampong Medong, Kampong Tanam, Kampong Kakan and Kampong Baru Dalat. It also clarifies the definition of the 'bilum' which has a double meaning: (i) .it refers to the carvings of sickness images which are commonly known as bilum in Dalat: (ii) .according to Melanau mythology, the term 'bilum' is sometimes used to describe the evil spirits which dwell in trees, rivers, forests, hills, graveyards and the sky. The third chapter touches on the various procedures and methods of sickness healing in the Melanau community. The fourth chapter describes the method of carving of the traditional Melanau bilum. The fifth chapter deals with the role of the woodcarvers in Dalat. The sixth chapter deals with the method of identification and classification of the various bilum according to its place of dwelling or generic origins. For each a brief description of the form is given. The concluding chapter enters into an analytical discussion on matters such as whether the bilum can be considered as an art object; the possible origin of the bilum and the appraisal of the tradition Melanau art from - bilum. In addition, an explanation of the changing value system in the Melanau society resulting in the diminishing use of the bilum in sickness healing, owing to the impact of rapid economic and social change in the Melanau community, is also given.
Traditional woodcarving