Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan & Perancangan - Monograf
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- PublicationThe Implementation Of Facilities Management In University Science Malaysia(2005-02)Mohd, Noor HafizaThe purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of Facilities Management in University Science Malaysia. This study concentrates on University Science Malaysia as a unit of analysis and is focused on findings the level of implementation of Facilities Management in a university.
- PublicationCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) And It’s Relationship To Construction Firms(2005-02)Ismail, NazirahThis research attempts to analyse what is actually Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), its relationship to construction firms and why company should take on the task of CSR. This research tried to identify what challenges and barriers they face when assuming a CSR role. Besides that, this research also tried to identify whether there is any company had already applied some parts of CSR in their management and to observe whether the CSR can improve a company reputation and goodwill.
- PublicationAwareness Of Applying Lean Construction In Penang, Malaysia(2005-02)Goh, Poi SeeThe findings arc documented as a result of awareness of applying lean construction in Penang, Malaysia. The questionnaire returned by those construction firms that responded was tabulated and analyzed, results of which from the main core of this study. Lean Construction concepts and principles innovate an efficient management of construction processes. The survey indicates that all firms have performed most of the instruments and integrated the Lean Construction principles into their activities. Some of the principles and instruments are applied more frequently than others. In the survey, this study focuses on the need, concept and essential tools for the development of construction companies through study also found that the adoption of this theoretical framework by the industry requires a change in the current construction management paradigm.
- PublicationKey Performance Indicators (Kpis) A Consultant’s Concern(2005-02)P’ng, Suan LinThis research is being conducted to investigate on the understanding of Key Performance Indicators in the Quantity Surveying Profession in construction industry. A brief explanation of Benchmarking is also being done as there are similar concepts toward the two tools. Furthermore comprehensive explanation has been done towards the use and application of Key Performance Indicators in the industry. The objective of this research is to introduce the significance of Key Performance Indicators to the profession by taking into consideration eight (8) chosen indicators. This research will be able to subdue on the usage and practise of Key Performance Indicators and how it help to increase the firm’s competitiveness in the industry.
- PublicationKelewatan Pengeluaran Sijil Layak Menduduki Dan Penggantiannya Dengan Deklarasi Dari Pihak Profesional(2005-02)Sijil Layak Menduduki (CF) merupakan satu perkara yang penting di dalam sesuatu projek pembinaan bagi memastikan sesebuah bangunan itu selamat untuk diduduki. Undang-Undang Kecil Bangunan Searagam (UBBL) klausa 25 menggariskan, tidak sesiapa pun dibenarkan untuk mendiami sesebuah bangunan yang belum disahkan Sijil Layak Menduduki. Namun kelewatan dalam meluluskan Sijil Layak Menduduki ini telah menyebabkan, kerajaan menimbang untuk memansuhkan Sijil Layak Menduduki ini oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan dan digantikan dengan deklarasi dari pihak profesional iaitu arkitek dan jurutera yang berdaftar. Laporan kajian ini nienilai kaitan isu kelewatan pengeluaran Sijil Layak Menduduki dan keberkesanannya yang mana sekira ia digantikan dengan deklarasi daripada pihak profesional.
- PublicationKajian Perlaksanaan Sistem Penyerahan Perumahan Melalui Konsep Bina Sebelum Jual(2005-03)Abdul Rahman, ArdianiKajian ilmiah ini mengupas berkenaan sistem penyerahan rumah {delivery system} melalui konsep bina sebelum jual yang jarang diamalkan di Malaysia. Konsep bina sebelum jual sebenamya telah lama diamalkan di luar negara seperti Singapura, Taiwan dan Australia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyelongkar masalah-masalah dalam pembinaan rumah menggunakan kaedah sedia ada iaitu konsep jual sebelum bina. Selain itu, ia juga bertujuan untuk menilai persepsi daripada pihak pemaju perumahan berkenaan cadangan daripada pihak kerajaan untuk mempraktikkan konsep bina sebelum jual di Malaysia.
- PublicationKey Performance Indicators (KPIs) In Construction Industry(2005-03)Esa , MuneeraConstruction industry is a very unique and complex organization; where a successful project is depends on the contribution of ideas and effort from variety of parties. Without an effective and efficient through an excellence management, it’s not very surprising to see abandoned projects occurred across our industry. In order to enhance the productivity and efficiency of the construction industry, thus Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) has been introduced. The subject of KPIs is encountering increasing interest in both academic and managerial ambits where there are a lot articles and journals are being produced.
- PublicationThe Consultants’ Roles And Functions In Design And Build Method(2005-03)Tan, Chiang HwangConsultants are the specialist that offered services in their area of specialisation in building construction. They can be any independent designer, advisor or quantity surveyor employed neither by the contractor nor the employer. In design and build method, the roles and the position of the consultants are quite different from the traditional method where they have the contractual relationship with the contractor but not the employer.
- PublicationA Study On Procurement Selection Criteria Of Building Projects In The Malaysian Construction Industry(2005-03)Lin, Shui ManThe above statement shows that an appropriate choice of procurement system for a project plays an important role in the success of a project, which would ultimately benefit all the parties who involves. The process of selecting an appropriate procurement method involves a consideration of various factors including the environment of the project itself. Thus, a number of models of procurement selection have been developed. This includes the works of NEDO (1985) and Birrell (1991), which can be used for this research as a guideline. The model was developed’ in the context of Malaysian Construction Industry for this research. The data collection method utilized structured interview and postal questionnaire method. The study found that the combination models of NEDO and Birrell are not applicable in local context.
- PublicationKajian Keberkesanan Perlaksanaan Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM) Dalam Industri Pembinaan(2005-03)Muhamat, Nur SyuaibahTesis ini dihasilkan daripada kajian pelajar jurusan Ukur Bahan, Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan dan Perancangan, Universiti Sains Malaysia sebagai keperluan bagi menamatkan pengajian dan mendapat pengijazahan dalam bidang ini. Penulis telah membuat satu kajian tentang keberkesanan perlaksanaan konsep 'Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh’ atau dikenali juga sebagai 'Total Quality Management (TQM)’ dalam industri pembinaan. Tesis ini lebih memfokus kepada asal-usul konsep TQM serta pengaplikasian dan pencapaiannya dalam industri binaan. Diharapkan hasil daripada kajian ini, firma-firma dalam industri pembinaan khususnya para pemaju dan kontraktor binaan dapat melihat gambaran sebenar sejauh manakah keberkesanan perlaksanaan konsep ini dalam organisasi firma.
- PublicationDesign Optimisation : Between Aesthetic And Functional Consideration(2005-03)Naamandadin, Nurul AkmamThis dissertation will, in many circumstances, figure out the awareness to create excellent design as good as possible with the consideration of aesthetic values and appropriate with it function; and it is a great honour to conclude that supportive networks are also precisely the ingredients that made this work not only feasible, but greatly fulfilling. The inspiring and unique atmosphere at Universiti Sains Malaysia proved an invaluable resource, and my gratitude goes out to my lecturers whose rich experience and inspiration has provided consistent momentum to expand my boundaries of perception and intellect. I am very thankful to my supervisor Prof. Madya Dr. Omar Osman who is played in part of this as well, by reading segments of this dissertation, gave valuable feedback and ideas.
- PublicationAwareness Of Applying Value Engineering In Construction Industry In Penang, Malaysia.(2006)Pah Sock YongThis dissertation research is an initial study on the awareness of applying Value Engineering in the construction industry by using the state of Penang as a test ivcase for the model of application. Value Engineering is a tool recently developed in the field of engineering management that will allow a specific function of a project to be achieved at a reasonable cost.
- PublicationIndustrialised Building System (Ibs) Scoring System - Case Study(2006)Ibrahim, Siti Rus‘AdneenThe Malaysian construction in industry is undergoing a transitional change from an industry employing conventional technology more to systematic and mechanized system. This new system known as the Industrialised Building System.
- PublicationSustainable Construction: Material Onsite Management(2006)Ariffin, AnitaThe concept of sustainable construction and the definition also can be described as “subset of sustainable development to the construction industry. It encompasses issues such life cycle, procurement, site planning and organization, material selection, reuse, recycle, waste and energy minimization.” The direct relationship between sustainable development and construction industry is obvious as construction is the engine of development. Perhaps sustaining development is more appropriate to be considered along the lines of sustaining construction. This is so as construction are both business and technical in nature. Thus the industry is very much a business and economic concern, whilst the technical matters relates to the mechanics of delivering the business. So if the sustainable development is literally taken as constraining development, it connotes a negative impact to the industry.
- PublicationAwareness Of Applying Public Private Partnership (PPP) In Construction Industry Malaysia(2006-04)The use of the Public Private Partnership as procurement in delivery public infrastructure and services in Malaysia began active during the 1990s was much more rapid and widespread than had been expected at the start of the decade. However, these flows peaked in 1997, and have fallen more or less steadily ever since because a variety of problems have been encountered and the financial crisis in the region. These declines have been accompanied by cancellations or renegotiations of some projects, a reduction in investor’s interest and pursue for the public infrastructure and services. However, the needs for infrastructure are now greater than ever in emerging and developing countries such as Malaysia. Both government and private sectors are recommending and trying to apply these types of approach for the reasons of it is the best solution to solve the government’s problems.
- PublicationTotal Quality Management Construction Industry(2006-04)Mohammad, Ahmad HafizieQuality cost has existed long enough in the manufacturing industry and is most advanced in it existence. Quality costs give many benefits to companies to produce an excellent product but only using an optimum cost. Quality costs is also a main factor in others sectors as construction and software industry. A Total Quality Cost System (TQCS) is a system that manage a cost quality that help company archive the highest quality of any product. In Malaysia, most of the company that handled construction sectors are exposed to the Total Quality Cost System. But, still there are company that do not apply this system. Therefore, this research is undertaken to determine why the company in the construction industry did not use Total Quality Cost System and the problem associated with it. This research will identify the factor that should have achieved Total Quality Cost System such as prevention cost, appraisal cost, internal failure cost, and external failure cost.
- PublicationThe Application Of Principles Of Sustainable Development In Feasibility Study(2006-07)Rahim, Nor AiniSustainable development is a strategy by which communities seek economic development approaches that also benefit the local environment and quality of life. It has become an important guide to many communities that have discovered that traditional approaches to planning and development are creating, rather than solving, societal and environmental problems.
- PublicationKepentingan Program Tindakan Susulan Bagi Projek Pembangunan EIA(2006-12)Hashim, Suria WardahSalah satu kaedah untuk memastikan keberkesanan Penilaian Impak Alam Sekitar (Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA) terhadap projek pembangunan adalah dengan mengukur tahap program tindakan susulannya (follow-up program). Pelbagai perdebatan telah dijalankan untuk memastikan sejauhmanakah kepentingan program tindakan susulan ini dan bagaimanakah pula tahap pematuhan pemaju pembangunan ke atasnya. Kajian ini akan menyelidiki program tindakan susulan yang mengkhususkan kepada projek pembangunan yang disenaraikan kepada aktiviti pembangunan berisiko terhadap alam sekitar (EIA). Selain memfokuskan kepada elemen kepentingan dan pematuhan, masalah dan cadangan program tindakan susulan juga turut dibincangkan.
- PublicationPengurusan Kerja Sementara(2007-04)Rahimi, Mohd HaziminSesebuah projek dapat di siapkan jika adanya pengurusan yang mantap di tapak. Ketiadaan pengurusan yang cekap di tapak akan menyebabkan perjalanan keija terlewat dan ketiadaksiapan projek. Oleh hal yang demikian kejayaan sesuatu projek adalah berkait rapat dengan bidang pengurusan tapak. Salah satu dari cabang pengurusan di tapak ialah pengurusan keija sementara ataupun keija awalan. Kerja sementara merupakan kerja awalan kontraktor apabila masuk tapak. Keija ini amat penting kerana ia membantu secara lansung segala aktiviti di tapak. Mana mungkin pen gurusan kerja sementara dapat di lakukan dengan sempuma sekiranya tiada organisasi yang kukuh di tapak bina oleh itu satu organisasi keija di bentuk di tapak bagi membantu perjalanan kerja. Saiz organisasi di tapak bergantung pada saiz sesuatu projek, bagi projek yang berskala besar maka saiz organisasi juga besar.
- PublicationPerubahan Kerja Dalam Industri Binaan(2007-04)Md Izani, Siti Nurul AisyahIndustri pembinaan seolah-olah tidak mampu mengelak dari terlibat dengan sebarang perubahan kerja semasa berlangsungnya sesuatu projek walaupun kita telah merancang dengan baik dan berhati-hati. Objektif kajian penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji jenis-jenis perubahan kerja, punca-punca berlakunya perubahan kerja, mengenalpasti pihak-pihak yang terlibat serta peranan masing-masing sekiranya berlaku senario perubahan kerja ini dan melihat kesan-kesan akibat berlakunya perubahan kerja.