Pusat Pengajian Perumahan, Bangunan & Perancangan - Monograf
Recent Submissions
- PublicationPerubahan Kerja Dalam Industri Binaan(2007-04)Md Izani, Siti Nurul AisyahIndustri pembinaan seolah-olah tidak mampu mengelak dari terlibat dengan sebarang perubahan kerja semasa berlangsungnya sesuatu projek walaupun kita telah merancang dengan baik dan berhati-hati. Objektif kajian penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji jenis-jenis perubahan kerja, punca-punca berlakunya perubahan kerja, mengenalpasti pihak-pihak yang terlibat serta peranan masing-masing sekiranya berlaku senario perubahan kerja ini dan melihat kesan-kesan akibat berlakunya perubahan kerja.
- PublicationPengurusan Kerja Sementara(2007-04)Rahimi, Mohd HaziminSesebuah projek dapat di siapkan jika adanya pengurusan yang mantap di tapak. Ketiadaan pengurusan yang cekap di tapak akan menyebabkan perjalanan keija terlewat dan ketiadaksiapan projek. Oleh hal yang demikian kejayaan sesuatu projek adalah berkait rapat dengan bidang pengurusan tapak. Salah satu dari cabang pengurusan di tapak ialah pengurusan keija sementara ataupun keija awalan. Kerja sementara merupakan kerja awalan kontraktor apabila masuk tapak. Keija ini amat penting kerana ia membantu secara lansung segala aktiviti di tapak. Mana mungkin pen gurusan kerja sementara dapat di lakukan dengan sempuma sekiranya tiada organisasi yang kukuh di tapak bina oleh itu satu organisasi keija di bentuk di tapak bagi membantu perjalanan kerja. Saiz organisasi di tapak bergantung pada saiz sesuatu projek, bagi projek yang berskala besar maka saiz organisasi juga besar.
- PublicationDesign Optimisation : Between Aesthetic And Functional Consideration(2005-03)Naamandadin, Nurul AkmamThis dissertation will, in many circumstances, figure out the awareness to create excellent design as good as possible with the consideration of aesthetic values and appropriate with it function; and it is a great honour to conclude that supportive networks are also precisely the ingredients that made this work not only feasible, but greatly fulfilling. The inspiring and unique atmosphere at Universiti Sains Malaysia proved an invaluable resource, and my gratitude goes out to my lecturers whose rich experience and inspiration has provided consistent momentum to expand my boundaries of perception and intellect. I am very thankful to my supervisor Prof. Madya Dr. Omar Osman who is played in part of this as well, by reading segments of this dissertation, gave valuable feedback and ideas.
- PublicationTahap Penggunaan Sistem Bangunan Berindustri (Ibs); Konkrit Pratuang Dalam Industri Binaan Serta Impak Terhadap Kos(2007-04)Nordin, Mohd TaufikIBS may be defined as building systems in which structural components are manufactured in a factory, on or of site, transported and assembled into a complete structure with a minimal additional site works. Pre-cast concrete is a part of IBS that emphasizes safety in its practice. Nevertheless, usage of Pre-cast concrete in Penang building industry is still very low if compared to the conventional methods because of easy in getting labour supply and low fees. Therefore, a research had been conducted to study the problems faced when using pre-cast concrete, the analysis of pre-cast concrete in buildings constructions in the aspect of its usage frequency, cost effect and benefits. The research is done in Penang, A set of 50 questionnaires were distributed to contractors and 18 had corresponded positively.
- PublicationRQL 370 - Kajian Ukur Bahan Peranan Insurans Terhadap Pengurusan Risiko Projek Binaan Oleh Kontraktor(2007-04)Fadila, RayhanRisk is a condition that cannot be identified accurately. Its existence is always referred to a situation that can cause negative effect such as destruction or loss. In construction works, the existence of risk is always linked to project delay or cost increase. However, this negative effect can be avoided or minimized. As a party who is responsible in running the construction works, contractors should be prepared to manage construction risk as to ensure the success of the project.