Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan - Tesis
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- PublicationA Study On The Integration Of Heritage Components Into The Iranian Primary School Curriculum(2021-10)Rabeeh BarghiThis study investigated Iranian primary school curriculum from different perspectives in order to describe and further explain current situation of integrating heritage component into the curriculum. First approach involved examining all primary textbooks as the main resources represent the ideal stage. The study then was keen to find out the way teachers, administrators, and educational experts as the key stakeholders perceive the situation of heritage education and the extent to which it is being implemented.
- PublicationAmalan Pengurusan Berasaskan Sekolah, Pengupayaan Dan Autonomi Pedagogi Guru Di Sekolah Rendah(2022-12)Mohd Isa, AnnilizaAutonomi pedagogi guru dan pengupayaan merupakan elemen utama dalam amalan pengurusan berasaskan sekolah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap serta pengaruh amalan pengurusan berasaskan sekolah dan pengupayaan terhadap autonomi pedagogi guru sekolah rendah. Selain itu, kajian ini menganalisis pengaruh pengupayaan sebagai mediator terhadap hubungan antara amalan pengurusan berasaskan sekolah dengan autonomi autonomi pedagogi guru. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kaedah gabungan dengan rekabentuk penjelasan berurutan yang dijalankan melalui dua fasa iaitu fasa kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Kaedah kutipan data terdiri dari kaedah tinjauan dan temubual yang dijalankan secara atas talian menggunakan google form dan google meet. Bagi kaedah tinjauan, instrumen soal selidik yang digunakan untuk mengutip data terdiri dari empat bahagian utama iaitu demografi, autonomi pedagogi guru, amalan pengurusan berasaskan sekolah dan pengupayaan. Item bagi ketiga-tiga variabel kajian mempunyai nilai Cronbach's Alpha yang tinggi iaitu APG = .85, APBS = .92 dan pengupayaan = .84. Seramai 565 guru sekolah rendah di Sabah terlibat sebagai responden tinjauan yang telah pilih melalui persampelan rawak berstrata. Manakala 8 guru terlibat sebagai informan temu bual yang diperoleh melalui persampelan bertujuan. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 25 bagi fasa kuantitatif dan Atlast.ti versi 9 bagi fasa kualitatif.
- PublicationAmalan Pengurusan Berasaskan Sekolah, Pengupayaan Dan Autonomi Pedagogi Guru Sekolah Rendah(2022-11)Isa, Anniliza MohdTeacher pedagogical autonomy and empowerment are key elements in school-based management practices. This study aims to identify the level and influence of school-based management practices and empowerment on the pedagogical autonomy of primary school teachers. In addition, this study analyzes the influence of empowerment as a mediator on the relationship between school- based management practices and teachers' pedagogical autonomy. This study used a mixed method approach with a sequential explanatory design that is carried out through two phases, namely the quantitative and qualitative phases. Data collection method consist of survey and interview that are conducted online using google form and google meet. As for the survey method, the questionnaire instrument used to collect data consists of four main parts, namely demographics, teacher pedagogical autonomy, school-based management practices and empowerment. All three instruments have high Cronbach's Alpha values which are APG = .85, APBS = .92 and empowerment = .84. A total of 565 primary school teachers in Sabah were involved as survey respondents who were selected through stratified random sampling. While 8 teachers were involved as interview informants obtained through purposive sampling. The data was then analyzed using IBM SPSS version 25 for the quantitative phase and Atlast.ti version 9 for the qualitative phase
- PublicationAn Error Analysis And The Impact Of Contingent Teaching In Solving Problems Involving Measures Of Dispersion(2023-07)Ng Chiew, LengThe importance of statistical learning has been widely discussed. However, little effort has been made to understand the difficulties of students in learning measure of dispersion, which is the key component to statistical learning. Employing multiphase mixed method, the present was divided into three phases. The first phase which involved 85 high school students using cluster sampling was sought to first examine and categorize the kinds of errors students committed in solving problems involving measures of dispersion. Subsequently, in depth interviews based on the model of contingent teaching were carried out in the second phase with ten low performing students in order to understand the reasons why students have the errors in solving problems involving measures of dispersion. In the third phase, this study focused on determining if there is a significant difference in the achievement of the students in solving problems regarding measures of dispersion before and after going through contingent teaching. The findings indicated that students committed errors in solving problems related to measure of dispersion due to lacking statistical vocabulary knowledge, weak symbol sense, rote learning, low statistical reasoning and statistical thinking ability. This study revealed that contingent teaching is effective (𝒕-value =𝟒.𝟔𝟐 with 𝝆<𝟎.𝟎𝟓) in understanding students’ conceptual thinking and further helping them to reduce their error in measures of dispersion.
- PublicationAn Investigation Of Reading Strategies Employed By Thai Efl Lower Secondary Students In Science Ability Programme(2022-02)Kritchada, RuangnoiThis study investigated the effectiveness of reading strategies employed by Thai EFL lower secondary students of Science and Math’s Ability program at one private, and two government secondary schools in Southern province of Thailand. The integration fo cognitive, metacogtive, determination, social, and memory strategies that form the reading training program were expected to enhance the students’ reading strategies instruction techniques. The sample of the study were thirty, grade seven students selected based on National English Test of Thailand. Quantitative and qualitative data were obtained from three primary sources; Pre- and Post-test from scientific modules, and interviews. The quantitative research instrumentation consisted of an adapted version of Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory-Revised (MARSI-R) by Mokhtari and Reichard, (2013) and reading comprehension exam as pre and post-test.
- PublicationAssessing Geometrical Measurement Skills Among Year Five National School Pupils(2022-07)Siti Nur Annisa Mohd NasserGeometrical measurement is an important topic in mathematics that serves as the foundation for other disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and geography. Furthermore, geometrical measurement has been introduced to pupils since the first year of primary school and is assessed in international and public examinations. However, geometrical measurement is reported to be one of the most challenging topics in primary mathematics since most pupils have inadequate understanding due to the learning practice of memorizing formulas without grasping the underlying concepts. Research has shown that factors of low understanding of geometrical measurement is due to the lack of assessment of geometrical measurement skills. Therefore, this study is conducted to develop an assessment framework and Geometrical Measurement Skills Instrument (GMSI) to assess Year Five pupils’ geometrical measurement skills. GMSI was developed by applying SOLO Taxonomy in the super item format, that emphasizes the hierarchical level of complexity of the items in order to ensure that the instrument covers both surface and deep level items. Data from 500 pupils were collected and analyzed quantitatively using Rasch analysis to examine the psychometric properties, profile the items in GMSI and identify the gender differences. 20 pupils were purposively selected for the qualitative analysis using thematic analysis to validate the assessment framework and identify the error patterns. The results revealed that GMSI met the psychometric properties, and the assessment framework's descriptors appeared to agree with the pupils' responses, indicating that GMSI is valid and reliable.
- PublicationCommunicative Tasks And Speaking Proficiency Level On The Choice Of Communication Strategies Use By Yemeni Efl Students(2015-09)Hasan Abdullah, Lamis AbdulrahmanThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the communicative tasks and speaking proficiency level on the choice of communication strategies used by the first year students at Aden University- Yemen. The study focuses on the two main variables the communicative tasks and the speaking proficiency level and how they affect the students' choice of communication strategies. The study used two main theories of communication strategies (CSs) the interactional perspectives and the psycho linguistic perspective of communication strategies. The 82 participants of the study were the first year students of English department at University of Aden-Yemen in the academic year 2013-2014.
- PublicationComparing The Effects Of Artificial Intelligence (Rain Classroom), Matlab And Multimedia Teaching Platforms In Enhancing Conceptual Understanding And Innovative Thinking Among Automatic Control Principles Course Undergraduates In China(2023-09)Liu, YufeiThis study aimed to investigate the effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI: Rain Classroom), MATLAB, and Multimedia teaching platforms and the students and their teachers’ perception of the use of these three teaching platforms in enhancing students' conceptual understanding and innovative thinking in the Automatic Control Principles (ACP) course. This study used a sequential explanatory mixed methods design. The quantitative data were collected using the Control System Concept Inventory (CSCI) (to measure students' conceptual understanding of ACP), and the Innovative Thinking in Education (ITE) scale (to measure students' innovative thinking ability). Using MANOVA and ANOVA analysis techniques, findings showed that there are significant differences in student's conceptual understanding of ACP and innovative thinking in the three teaching platforms studied. The results showed that the AI (Rain Classroom) teaching platform can best improve students' conceptual understanding of ACP, followed by the MATLAB teaching platform and then the multimedia teaching platform. For innovative thinking ability, the MATLAB teaching platform has the best effect, followed by the AI (Rain Classroom) teaching platform and multimedia teaching platform.
- PublicationDesign, Development, And Evaluation Of The E-Tech Lesson Planner For Novice Esl Teachers(2022-03)Mohamad Fathil, FadliyanaThis research aimed to create a lesson planning tool for novice ESL primary school teachers in Malaysia, known as E-Tech Lesson Planner (E-Tech LP). E-Tech LP was developed in response to lesson planning issues among novice ESL teachers, particularly the quality of lesson plans produced. Nevertheless, numerous technology-based lesson planning tools in education emphasise efficiency over effectiveness. In developing the prototype, this study employed the Design and Development Research approach (DDR) pioneered by Richey and Klein (2007). The study's first phase involved 232 novice ESL teachers from Northern Region primary schools completing 68-item questionnaires on lesson planning conformity,
- PublicationDeveloping A Model On Executive Function Skills And Understanding Of Physics Concepts To Design A Teaching Guide Of Force Concepts And Measuring Its Effectiveness(2021-11)The Executive Function (EF) is "a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one's resources in order to achieve a goal” (Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2015). EF has three main strands: metacognitive, behaviour regulation, and emotional regulation (Gioia et al., 2015), with a wide range of EF skills that fall under these three strands. There is a lack of instruments to measure the EF of Malaysian students and no model to refer to be integrated into teaching and learning of Force and Motion. EF levels of students differ, and the role of EF in teaching and learning physics concepts in Malaysia is minimal. Multiphase design of mixed-method research employed in this study.
- PublicationDeveloping Test Specifications For Measuring Listening Performance Of Tertiary Students(2023-05)Ahmad, IrmaReports from the Malaysian Examination Council have shown a worrying trend in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) listening component since 2010, where nearly half of the candidates were reported as ‘limited’ and ‘very limited’ users. This indicates a lack of listening skills among the candidates and thus, proof that there is a gap in English language listening proficiency between pre-university and tertiary education. A preliminary study was conducted in the study and participants were reported as not being not aware of their listening abilities and agreed to have a listening comprehension test to measure their listening proficiency skills. However, there are limited guidelines for designing and developing effective listening comprehension tests, especially for the tertiary students. Thus, this study was aimed to develop a listening test specification that can be used to measure tertiary students’ listening performance. There were two objectives of the study: (1) to develop a listening comprehension test specification to measure students’ listening performance, and (2) to validate the test specification by using elements from Weir’s socio-cognitive framework. The study employed a mixed method. Questionnaires, focus-group interviews, and content validation were used to collect the data. The quantitative data collected were analysed by using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and thematic analysis was used to analyse the data collected from focus-group interview.
- PublicationDevelopment Of Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment To Measure The Mastery Level Of Factorisation Of Algebraic Fractions Among Form Two Students(2024-09)Noor,Mohd Azizi MohdCognitive Diagnostic Assessment (CDA) is one of the assessments recommended by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia based on the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 to measure students’ cognitive development. This assessment is crucial as it provides in-depth information about students’ learning needs and enables teachers to design more effective instruction to help students achieve their learning goals. With a focus on cognitive development, students can be provided with more targeted and appropriate support to enhance their achievement in this area. Thus, this study aims to develop and assess a CDA focusing on form two students’ mastery of factorisation of algebraic fractions. The CDA development involved two stages: establishing expert and student response based cognitive models. Expert mathematics teachers constructed the expert-based cognitive models, which were evaluated by a panel of content and psychometric experts. The validation process used different criteria, including items and attributes development based on Bloom's taxonomy hierarchy, items clarity, and alignment with form two standards document curriculum and assessment (SDCA) for Form Two Mathematics. Then, 30 ordered multiple choice (OMC) items were tested on 159 students from National Secondary Schools. The assessment revealed that the CDA's cognitive models had good discrimination ability, except for items deemed too easy. Each item had appropriate distractors, and the CDA versions showed reliability in terms of consistency and correlation between expert-based and student response-based cognitive models.
- PublicationDevelopment Of Motion Virtual Laboratory (Movil) Module And Its Effect On The Achievement In The Topic Of Speed And Acceleration Among Form Two Students(2023-03)Asmahwati Binti RosliThis study aimed at developing the Motion Virtual Laboratory (MoViL) module on the topic of speed and acceleration for form two students. The Design and Development Research methodology as introduced by Richie and Klein (2007) was used in this study.
- PublicationDirect Nature Experiences On Biodiversity Knowledge, Attitudes And Conservation Willingness Among Maldivian Children(2023-03)Abdulla, FaruhanaHistorically abundant DNEs in children’s everyday lives formed the roots of sustainable practices in the Maldives. Although contemporary Maldivian children may be subject to a loss of DNEs, the extent of this problem or its consequences remain largely unknown. This study aimed primarily to establish and understand current trends in DNEs and their influences on biodiversity knowledge (BK), attitudes towards biodiversity (AA), and conservation willingness (CW) among 11–12-year-old school children in the Maldives in different island environments. It also aimed to explore and understand the contextual factors that influence these experiences. This study employed an embedded mixed-method design composed of an online survey (n=429) and focus group interviews (n=34) from schools in seven islands. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results demonstrated higher DNE frequentness (EF) and Seen-Alive-Only (SAO) experience levels for most children outside the Male’ area, while the variety of experiences (VNEs) was similar in all IEs. Several species were not seen by many children regardless of IE. Most children demonstrated a low level of BK and moderate or low levels of AA and CW. One-way ANOVA tests showed that only BK and AA increased significantly with increased EF. VNE and SAO showed significant positive correlations with BK and AA, but only VNE is significantly correlated with CW.
- PublicationEducational Environment And Readiness For Self-Directed Learning At Two Nursing Institutions In Malaysia(2017-05)Chit, Som PhongLearning environment is an important factor for producing quality graduates and play an important role in the effectiveness of teaching and learning in nursing training institutions. In addition, self-directed learning is also an important factor that lead to the formation of life long learning culture as medical knowledge become more advance. The objective of this study is to compare two types of nursing institutions under Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Health Malaysia; one employing student centered learning approach, the other does not (yet) employing the approach, in terms of their educational environment and students’ self-directed learning readiness.
- PublicationEffectiveness Of Nutrition-Based Socio-Scientific Issues Science Lessons In Fostering 21St Century Scientific Literacy Among Lower Secondary Students(2022-03)Velamuthu, RaineeThe emerging concerns about nutrition SSIs like malnutrition, obesity, anaemia, etc give rise to a call to improve scientific literacy among students to be global citizens who can resolve nutrition issues in a fair and just manner while moving towards a safe global community. The study measured the effectiveness of nutrition-based SSI lessons in exploring and enhancing secondary school students’ 21st-century scientific literacy dimensions of (1) content knowledge (2) habits of mind (3) character and values (4) science as human endeavour and (5) metacognition and self-direction and its constructs. Two instruments were used to measure students’ content knowledge, the Nutrition Content Knowledge Test (NCKT) and the Big Ideas of Science Nutrition Test (BIOSNT. A questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted to measure the change in the dependent variables. Questionnaire on Habits of Mind (HOMQ), Questionnaire on Character and Values (CVQ),
- PublicationEffects Of Cognitive Conflict Instructional Strategy And Motivation On Conceptual Change And Attitude Towards Algebra Among Tenth Graders In The UAE(2022-06)Alrababah, Yasseen Mohammad AhmadThe purpose of this study was to determine the effects of cognitive conflict instructional strategy and motivation on conceptual change in algebra and attitude towards algebra among Tenth Graders in United Arab Emirates. This study employs a quasi-experimental research design, namely non-equivalent control group research design. To collect data, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The researcher used Face to Face Interview Protocol (FFIP) and Pre-Conceptual Change in Algebra Test (PreCCAT) to identify and classify common algebra misconceptions. The researcher adapted a Motivation to Engage in Conceptual Change Questionnaire (MECCQ) to measure level of student’s motivation to engage in conceptual change. Pre, post and retention of Conceptual Change in Algebra Test were analyzed. Four classes of Tenth Graders from two schools (two classes for experimental group and the other two classes for control group) were choose randomly from 20 classes of 543 Grade Ten male students. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation was used to analysis Motivation to Engage in Conceptual Change Questionnaire (MECCQ).
- PublicationEffects Of Mind Maps Teaching Approaches And Gender On Jordanian 7Th Graders’ Rational Number Achievement And Creative Thinking(2023-07)Ayed Tbaishat, Abeer YaseenThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mind maps and gender on rational number achievement and creative thinking among Jordanian seventh-grade students. The researcher used a quasi-factorial design (3x2) approach that was supported by qualitative data. To achieve the study’s objectives, four instruments were used, including the Rational Number Achievement Test (RNAT), the Torrance Test for Creative Thinking (TTCT), a questionnaire to assess students’ attitudes toward teaching methods, and an interview protocol for teachers. The researcher used the tools on a purposive sample of seventh-grade students in Irbid Governorate, which included (120) students divided into three groups: 60 female students and 60 male students. The control group is taught conventionally, while the first experimental group is taught with paper mind maps method and the second experimental group with digital mind maps methods. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to analyze the data. The results of the two-way ANOVA analysis indicated that the teaching method (CM, PMM, or DMM) had a significant main effect on achievement in rational number among 7th-grade students. Students who were taught using the DMM improved more in Post Achievement in Rational Number than students who were taught using the PMM and CM.
- PublicationEfl Teachers’ Cognition And Practices Of Educational Equity In Teaching Of Reading In China(2023-08)Chen, FeifeiEducational equity (EE), seen as an important theme in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, relates closely to English language education. Promoting EE in the actual classroom, especially in the main reading course, is an integral part of College English language education in China. However, EFL teachers in China do not practice EE well and they often hold distorted cognition of teaching of reading. Since teachers’ practices are related to their cognition and influenced by experiential and contextual factors, it is critical to recognize the vital links among these elements. The scant literature on examining EFL teachers’ cognition and practices concerning EE in the Chinese context and the inconsistency reported in the previous studies necessitate the study. Therefore, framed by Borg’s language teacher cognition, Rawls’ theory of justice, and Guthrie et al.’s CORI framework, this study aimed to explore Chinese college EFL reading teachers’ cognitions of EE, the consistency of their cognition and practices of EE, the experiential and contextual factors that affect their practices of EE as well as to identify teachers’ equitable strategies and the way they developed them. An interpretive qualitative approach was adopted and the data from two semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and lesson plan documents of 10 participants selected by purposive and criterion sampling were analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed teachers’ cognition of EE in teaching of reading in terms of knowledge of EE, beliefs in enhancing EE, and pedagogical thinking in practicing EE was rather comprehensive.
- PublicationEkosistem Amalan Terbaik Pembangunan Atribut Keusahawanan Pelajar Di Kolej Vokasional Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia(2022-03)Alias, HasmiraKajian ini memberi tumpuan kepada ekosistem amalan terbaik pembangunan atribut keusahawanan pelajar di tiga buah kolej vokasional KPM. Bagi mengenal pasti elemen ekosistem amalan terbaik pembangunan atribut keusahawanan pelajar di kolej vokasional yang dikaji, siasatan telah dijalankan kepada tiga elemen utama, iaitu strategi pelaksanaan, faktor yang menyokong kejayaan pelaksanaan strategi dan cabaran yang dihadapi oleh kolej vokasional yang dikaji. Reka bentuk kaedah kualitatif kajian kes pelbagai digunakan dalam kajian ini. Kaedah temu bual separa berstruktur dan kumpulan berfokus digunakan sebagai kaedah pengumpulan data utama manakala kaedah pemerhatian, analisis dokumen dan nota lapangan turut digunakan untuk membuat triangulasi data.