Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, Literasi dan Terjemahan - Tesis


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  • Publication
    Design, Development And The Effects Of Emotionally Sound Web-Based Instruction On Performance, Satisfaction, Engagement And Retention
    Rasalingam, Rasslenda-Rass
    This study was designed to investigate the effectiveness of the emotionally sound web-based instruction on performance, satisfaction, engagement and retention in learning English grammar among students with different levels of emotional intelligence. The sample consisted of 183 Form Two students from a secondary school in the Northern region of the Peninsular Malaysia. The data were collected with the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire - Short Form (TEIQue-SF), End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUSC), Post-Test 1, Retention Questionnaire (Post-Test 2) and E-Learning Engagement Instrument (ELEI). The research design for this study is Quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design.
  • Publication
    Issues In Translating Military Terms And Texts Between English And Arabic
    Ai-Shehab, Mohammad Hamza
    This study is aimed at exammmg the ability of military personnel involved in translation work in the Jordanian Military Academy to translate terms and expressions within the context of military texts from English into Arabic. It is also aimed at investigating the problems confronting military personnel when translating military texts from English to Arabic and vice versa.
  • Publication
    Development Of A Formative Assessment Regime For Chinese-english Interpreter Training And Its Effects On Academic Achievement, Motivation, And Collaboration
    In China’s interpreter training programs, efforts to systematically develop and enact a formative assessment regime has been rarely documented in the extant body of scholarship. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the applicability and impact of formative assessment regime, the present study adopted a multi-phase approach to explore the development, implementation, and learned lessons of a formative assessment regime in an interpreter training program at Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University, a focal and representative institution of higher education in China. The researcher recruited 129 second-year interpreter learners, 7 lecturers, and 10 experts as participants in the study. Methodologically, an embedded experimental design was adhered to in the study to comprehensively include the pre-intervention, intervention, and post-intervention phases within a unified research framework. For the pre-, and post-intervention phases, the research used in-depth interview and focus group discussions to obtain viewpoints and understandings of trainees and trainers, and Delphi method for evaluative judgement of the experts. For the intervention phase, mixed-method quasi experimental approach was chosen to examine the effects of the developed formative assessment regime on the academic achievement, motivation, and collaboration in interpreter training, which were measured through a summative interpreting achievement test (SIAT), an interpreter learning motivation questionnaire (ILMQ), and naturalistic observation of classroom conversations respectively.
  • Publication
    The Effect Of Blended Learning And critical Thinking On Tertiary EFL Argumentative Writing In China
    Wang, Yuling
    With the rapid development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the blended learning method is widespread in English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) instruction. It is viable for tertiary English instructors to utilise online platforms like WeChat and Pigai.org to integrate face-to-face instruction, online learning, and critical thinking training to improve EFL argumentative writing. As no single standard for blending exists, more research reports on blended learning cases are needed. This study aims to examine the effect of blended learning and critical thinking on EFL students’ performance in argumentative writing, and the factors that influence students’ argumentative writing performance in a blended learning environment were explored in the current study. This study used a mixed research method on 66 firstyear undergraduates majoring in English at a university in Chongqing, China. These participants were from two intact classes randomly assigned to the control (N=33) and experimental (N=33) groups. The data on critical thinking skills and writing performance were measured by argumentative writing pre- and post-tests, and the data on influencing factors were measured through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The T-test and Pearson Correlation were used to analyse the quantitative data collected from writing tests and questionnaires. Coding and thematic analysis were employed to analyse the qualitative data from semi-structured interviews. After the intervention, a significant improvement was found in the writing scores of the experimental group.The findings of this study also indicated a significant positive correlation between critical thinking skills and EFL argumentative writing performance in a blended learning setting. Qualitative results showed that the internal factors (such as psychological factors, learning objectives, and skills) and external factors (such as rules, community, division of labor, and devices) influenced EFL students’ writing in blended learning contexts. Moreover, the findings in the current study suggest that the influencing factors (such as subject, rules, community, division of labor, and object) in a blended learning environment have different degrees of positive correlation with students’ writing performance. These findings provide new perspectives to EFL writing instruction, encouraging educators to be more flexible in blending different technologies and critical thinking training in practice to foster students’ writing competence better.
  • Publication
    The Effect Of Written Corrective Feedback On Grammatical Accuracy Of Passive Voice Tenses And Unaccusative Verbs Of Pakistani Esl Undergraduates
    Muhammad, Mujtaba Syed
    The impetus for undertaking the current study was that the literature on written corrective feedback (WCF) is replete with studies that have examined the efficacy of WCF on passive voice tenses and unaccusative verbs (trained and untrained), despite the challenges English language learners face in the construction of these grammatical structures. Therefore, the current study was conducted to investigate the effects of WCF on the grammatical accuracy of passive voice tenses (present, past, and perfect) and unaccusative verbs (trained and untrained) of Pakistani ESL undergraduate learners. The study has three aims:1) examining whether the provision of WCF improves the grammatical accuracy of passive voice tenses; 2) examining whether the provision of WCF improves the grammatical accuracy of unaccusative verbs (trained and untrained); 3) examining which type of WCF is most effective in helping Pakistani ESL undergraduates improve the grammatical accuracy of passive voice tenses and unaccusative verbs (trained and untrained).