Publication: Flex force smart glove for therapy treatment using arduino and raspberry pi
Chang, Yi Neng
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The rehabilitation process of a stroke patient is lengthy and complex, yet necessary to recover the flexibility of muscle movement and reduce the risk of a recurrent stroke. In addition, a multitude of microprocessors and microcontrollers are available on the market, each with its pros and cons in terms of features and performance. Therefore, this work purposes flex force smart glove to assist physician to monitor the rehabilitation process of a stroke patient remotely via a data collecting glove using flex sensors. In this work, Raspberry Pi is employed to process the data obtained and connect to the internet, while an Arduino interfaces with electronic components in the system. An Android application is also included, which accesses the data from the Raspberry Pi on the network. Through performance analysis on the Arduino and Raspberry Pi, it was found that the Arduino is able to output data at an average interval of 1.785 milliseconds at 115200 baud rate. However, the communication between the Arduino and Raspberry Pi reduces the performance to average interval of 5.121 milliseconds. In addition, this work also demonstrates the ability of the Raspberry Pi to perform complex processes without substantial performance degradation in this application. Performance analysis on the Android application also revealed a further reduction on rate of transmission, which requires 63.42 milliseconds on one-to-many transmission and 9.89 milliseconds on one-to-one transmission.