Psikospiritual Islam Untuk Pengurusan Kesihatan Mental

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Hashim, Siti Nur Aafifah
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Nearly half a million people in this country suffer from depression based on statistics from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) conducted by the Institute of Public Health (IKU) in 2019. Statistically, 2.3 percent of the country's people aged 16 and above have mental health problems. In fact, this number continues to rise at alarming levels when the whole world is hit by the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in various crises that also affect the mental health of individuals. As a result, many individuals experience stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, conflict of roles and values as well as emotional and interpersonal problems leading to global health problems, namely mental health problems. Taking into account the issue of increasing the rate of mental health problems around the world, a method of mental health management based on Islamic mysticism and epistemology was developed to address this issue. This study selects the Islamic psychospiritual concept as one of the methods of mental health management because this Islamic psychospiritual concept is integrated from the concept of Sufism, which has elements to prevent, treat and preserve the human mental holistically. However, what are the appropriate Islamic psychospiritual elements used as a set of menal health management methods? What about the mental health management method based on this Islamic psychospiritual concept? To answer the following questions, this study sets three objectives, identifying mental health in Islamic perspective, analyzing psychospiritual suitability for mental health and formulating Islamic psychospiritual implications for mental health management
Psikospiritual Islam , Pengurusan Kesihatan Mental , Hashim , Siti Nur Aafifah , Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam , Psikospiritual