Design low cost high efficiency three phase transformer

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Sukarni, Norliana
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The history of transformer goes back to the early 1880s. With the sharp increase in demand for electric power nowadays, power transformers in many rating volts are produce. Power transformer, voltage transformer and audio transformer are few of the most useful of all pieces in electronic equipment in our day to day life. Transformers are basically used for the purpose of converting alternate current from one voltage to another. Today there are various kinds of voltage transformers available in market. A high voltage transformer works with high voltages and generally used in power transmission applications. Low voltage power transformers are mainly produced to reduce 240 V or 120 V line voltage to the output voltage of the 12 V, 24 V or 50 V. Generally, the main purpose of this project is to give a brief explanation about steps to design a practical three-phase transformer manually. Basic design and principle of three-phase transformer are mostly same as single phase transformer. There are five testing that have done in order to see the operation and efficiency of the design transformer. The recorded data while experiment is done are then being compared with the theorical value. Design transformer can successfully operate as a three-phase transformer, but the highest efficiency obtained is 74 %. Therefore, improvement should be carried out to meet the desired specification.