Real-time windowing fir filter implementation using dsp

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Chan, Hui Shang
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Research Projects
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Due to the fast development in telecommunications and wireless communication applications, the traditional analog devices are being replaced with the digital system nowadays. In most of the DSP filtering application, digital filter play an extremely important role due to its greater degree of flexibility, more reliable and higher accuracy as compared to their analog counterparts. Hence, this project mainly focuses on designing a real-time FIR filter which is one of the basic types of digital filter that commonly used in most of the filtering operation owing to its linear phase characteristic. The objective of FIR filter design is to determine the filter coefficients such that the performance of the filter is approximate to the given specifications. This project concentrates on designing FIR filter by using window function which can be considered as the simpler and quick technique. The low-pass FIR filter for a given specification has been designed by using the various types of window functions such as Rectangular, Hamming, and Blackman windows in this project. Simulation of the FIR filter design has been done by using MATLAB before implementing the FIR filter algorithm on the DSP processor such as TMS320VC5510 DSK. A mixture of C and assembly code has been used for implementing FIR filter on DSP chip. Next, a sinusoidal signal has been generated and used as a test signal in order to verify the functionality of the designed FIR filter. Finally, the performance of the window function that used in designing FIR filter is evaluated based on the mainlobe width and stopband attenuation of their magnitude response. The objective of this project has been achieved as the MATLAB simulation results and hardware implementation results are both matched with the theoretical results. From the results obtained, it has been proven that the roll-off and sidelobe performance of the filter are determined by the selected window function.