Publication: Palm print based biometric verification system using umace filter classification method
Lee, Yong Chun
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A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system which recognizes an authentic user by determining the authenticity of a specific anatomical (e.g. palm print) or behavioral (e.g. voice) characteristic or traits possessed by the user. In information technology, biometrics normally refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, for example DNA, fingerprints, palm prints, eye retinas, irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand geometry, for authentication purposes. In this paper, an implementation of an individual verification system will be addressed based on the palm print recognition. UMACE filter or in other words unconstrained minimum average correlation energy is the proposed approach for the palm print feature recognition. For the feature extraction, the palm print containing the important physiological traits will be captured and extracted into the ROI region of interest. Next, the pattern matching will involve UMACE filter as the classifier. GAR (genuine acceptance rate) versus FAR (false acceptance rate) will be plotted so that the performance of the biometric system can be compared using ROC (receiver operation characteristic) curve. At 85% of FAR, GAR is almost achieved 100% for all three of training data