Integrasi komputer dalam pengajaran-pembelajaran: kajian keprihatinan dan paras penggunaan terhadap kemampuan mengurus di kalangan guru-guru Sekolah Bestari Di Semenanjung Malaysia
Kannan, Sathiamoorthy
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The study focused on the identification of Stages of Concerns (SoC), the Levels
of Use (LoU) and the Managing Ability of the Integration of Computer into TeachingLearning
(Computer Integration) among the Smart School teachers. A sample of 205
teachers (76 men and 129 women) from 12 Smart Schools across Peninsular Malaysia
participated in this study. Sub-sample for the study comprised of 60 teachers from the
original sample. Two instruments namely the Stages of Concern Questionnaire and the
Managing Ability Questionnaire were administered to collect sufficient data from the
sample. Subsequently, the third instrument, Level of Use Interview was administered to
the sub-sample.
The major findings suggest that the Smart School teachers in this study were
experiencing intense self and task concerns with respect to Computer Integration. The
most intense concern among the Smart School teachers in this study was at the
'awareness' stage while the next highest concern being at the 'management' stage.
Almost 64.9 % of the Smart School teachers in this study were identified to be self
concerned while another 29.3% to be task concerned and only 5.8% being impact
concerned. In terms of LoU of Computer Integration, the Smart School teachers in this
study were clustered in the 'Mechanical' and the 'Routine' user levels. About 72% of
the teachers were at the lower 'Mechanical' LoU while another 28 % at the higher
'Routine' LoU.
Overall, about 20% of the Smart School teachers in this study indicated that they
possessed high managing ability in Computer Integration. Among the four abilities
involved in the management of Computer Integration, the Smart School teachers in this
study claimed that leading is their highest while controlling is their lowest ability.
Significant relationship identified between SoC and the managing ability of the
teachers indicated that..teachers with high SoC exhibited higher managing ability while
those with low SoC exhibited lower managing ability. As a matter of fact, teachers with
impact concerns exhibited higher ability in terms of planning, organizing, leading and
controlling the Computer Integration than others. In addition, the strength and weakness
in the ability of the teachers when implementing the steps involved in the management of
Computer Integration varies with the concern categories to which they belong.
Significant relationship identified between SoC and LoU of Computer Integration
. indicates that teachers with high SoC were found to be exhibiting higher LoU as
compared to those with low SoC.
Significant gender differences in all the three prime variables (SoC, LoU and
Managing Ability) show that men seem to be exhibiting higher SoC, higher managing
ability and higher LoU as compared to women. Only 26.8 % of the Smart School
teachers in this study claimed that the training was very effective in improving their
ability to implement the Computer lntegration. Teachers, who perceived that the training
they underwent was very effective, indicated high SoC, LoU and Managing Ability.
In addition, significant relationships were identified between SoC and teachers'
responsibility, the kind of training, the availability of support and computer experiences.
Consequently, teachers with high SoC perceived that the training was very effective,
the support was very encouraging and the constraints were minimum.
Similar relationships were also discovered for the LoU as well as the managing
ability of Smart School teachers in this study. The LoU correlated with the kind of
training, and experience in integrating computer. The managing ability, instead,
correlated with the_availability" of support, computer experience, experience m
integrating computer, responsibility, and.the kind of training they underwent.
Pengajaran-pembelajaran , Paras penggunaan terhadap kemampuan mengurus , Guru-guru Sekolah Bestari Di Semenanjung Malaysia