A Study On The Influence Of Belief Facfors And Demograpidc Characferistics On The Attitudes Toward Web Advertising Among Usm Staff In Penang
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The majority of research about Web advertising has been conducted in Western
countries. However, little is known about Web users' attitudes toward Web advertising
in Malaysian context. This study, conducted in Penang, Malaysia to examine Web users'
attitudes toward Web advertising is tested by using Pollay and MittaI's (1993) sevenfactor
belief model. Applying Pollay and Mittal's seven-factor advertising beliefs model,
this study explore the staff of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang beliefs and attitudes as
well as the demographic characteristics. Age, education and income level were studied
as demographic characteristics to examine the relationship between the demographic
characteristics and the staffs' attitudes toward Web advertising. Results from a survey of
148 USM staff indicated there is a significant difference between the belief factors.
Product information, hedonic/pleasure, social role/image and trustworthy are related
positively to the staffs' attitudes toward Web advertising. While,ยท materialism and value
corruption are negatively related to their attitudes toward Web advertising. The
demographic characteristics were also impacted on reported attitudes toward Web
. advertising. This study also found out that there were significant difference betw~n
certain demographic characteristics and the belief ,f actors. The study results and
implications of Web advertisers are discussed. In addition, there is a relationship between
certain groups of demographic characteristics and belief factors and the higher the staffs'
income and education, the more unfavourable their reported attitudes toward Web
A Study On The Influence Of Belief Facfors And Demograpidc Characferistics , On The Attitudes Toward Web Advertising Among Usm Staff In Penang