Morphological And Molecular Analysis Of Penaeus Semisulcatus From The Persian Gulf And Oman Sea
Jahromi, Saeid Tamadoni
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Universiti Sains Malaysia
There are two morphotypes of the green tiger shrimp, Penaeus semisulcatus
recognized in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The two morphotypes are
distinguished by colour pattern of antenna and body transverse lines. This study is
conducted to investigate the taxonomic status of the two morphotypes based on
morphometrics and mitochondria DNA sequence analysis. In addition, population
genetics study on P. semisulcatus from the Persian Gulf was performed to assist the
selection of suitable broodstocks in future breeding programs. A total of 25
characters were investigated for morphometric study. Ten of these characters showed
significant differentiation between single sex and combined sex (P < 0.05).
Regression analysis showed that the correlation between the carapace length and
body length of females in the non-banded morphotype, were different to those of the
males. Molecular investigation of mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) using partial
sequences of 16S rRNA gene showed relatively low genetic differences between the
P. semisulcatus morphotypes with 3.9 % genetic distance. These sequences were
able to distinguish between the two morphotypes, and separated them into two
distinct clades. By contrast, genetic divergence detected by COI gene analysis was
consistently higher. High genetic divergence for COI with 76 divergent sites was
observed between the two morphotypes. Eight novel microsatellite loci were
developed to study the population genetics structure of P. semisulcatus in three
population sites in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea (Jask, Hormoz and Kuhestak).
There were incidences of heterozygosity deficiency and significant deviation from
HWE showed at most loci (P <0.001). However, there were four loci (loci E2 and B9
– Hormoz; loci C6 – Kuhestak; and loci H9 - Jask) found to be in the Hardy
Weinberg equilibrium. Micro-Checker analysis revealed of null alleles in the three
microsatellite loci (B5, C6 and C9). Pairwise Fst comparison based on allelic and
genotypic frequencies indicated that the three populations were significantly
differentiated from each other (P <0.05). High levels of pairwise Fst (0.106) and low
levels of Nm (2.103) observed between the Hormoz and Jask populations indicated
restricted gene flow between the two populations.
Morphological and molecular analysis of Penaeus semisulcatus , from the persian gulf and Oman sea