Penglibatan Ibu Bapa India dalam Pendidikan Anak-Anak: Satu Kajian Perbandingan di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil dan Sekolah Kebangsaan di Daerah Kerian, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Vellymalay, Suresh Kumar
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This research focuses on parental involvement in National Type Tamil School and
National School students' education at Kerian District, Perak Daml Ridzuan. For the
quantitative data collection from the sample of parents, approximately 300 Indian
students were selected using stratified random sampling. From this total, 150
students were from National Type Tamil School. They were in Year Three, Four and
Five that is 50 students from each Year. The other 150 students were from National
School. They were in Year Three, Four and Five that is 50 students from each Year.
From these 300 students, only one parent of the child was chosen (based on the
children's perception about the individual who spend more time with them to help in
their education) to be the respondent. Quantitative analysis was used to identify
parental involvement strategies in education among National Type Tamil School and
National School students. Quantitative analysis was also used to determine the effect
of socioeconomic background of parental involvement in Indian student's education
in National Type Tamil School and National School in Kerian district, Perak Daml
Ridzuan. Emphasis was given to factors that cause differences in parental
involvement between the two types of school, apart from students' views of their
parents' involvement in National Type Tamil School and National School in this
district. Findings show that there were various strategies that were implemented by
National Type Tamil School and National School parents' to be involved in their
children's education. The quantitative analysis shows that socioeconomic
background such as education, occupation, income and household income did not
play important roles in influencing parental involvement in their children's
education in National Type Tamil School. However, socioeconomic background
plays a more important role in influencing parental involvement in their children's
education in National Schools. Parents' education level has been identified as the
most important variable in determining parental involvement in their children's
Parenthood , Education