Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan - Tesis


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Faktor Ke Arah Peningkatan Kualiti Hidup Bekas Pesakit Kanser Payudara Di Jabatan Kerja Sosial Perubatan, Hospital Umum Sarawak
    Chabuk, Roseline Nana
    Kanser payudara merupakan penyebab utama kematian dalam kalangan wanita di Malaysia. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji dengan lebih mendalam faktor-faktor yang meningkatkan kualiti hidup pesakit kanser payudara di negeri Sarawak. Selain itu, kajian ini juga turut mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk cabaran yang dihadapi olch pesakit serta peranan yang dimainkan olch pekerja sosial perubatan dalam membantu pesakit kanser payudara. Reka bentuk kajian kualitatiftelah digunakan. Seramai 15 orang pesakit yang mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Umum Sarawak telah ditemubual secara mendalam dalam kajian ini. Kajian mendapati, tiga faktor utama dalam meningkatkan kualiti hidup bekas pesakit kanser payudara adalah meliputi sokongan keluarga, pegangan agama dan kaunseling secara individu. Manakala bentuk-bentuk cabaran yang dilalui olch 15 orang responden merangkumi aspek psikologikal, fizikal, sosial dan kewangan. Selain itu, hasil kajianjuga menunjukkan pekerja sosial perubatan telah memainkan pelbagai peranan seperti mendapatkan bantuan kewangan, sebagai kaunselor, penyampai maklumat dan broker bagi membantu pesakit. Kesimpulannya, hasil penemuan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pesakit kanser payudara sangat memerlukan sistem sokongan yang berterusan bagi meningkatkan kualiti hidup pesakit.
  • Publication
    Effectiveness Of A Gratitude-Based Intervention In Increasing Subjective Well-Being Of Mothers With Down Syndrome Children
    Yu, Xiaotong
    The field of positive psychology is quickly emerging with a number of interventions that focus on increasing the happiness and well-being of people. Gratitude-based interventions have been found to be one of the effective interventions in many studies. This online-based study investigated the effectiveness of a 4-week intervention using gratitude lists to improve the level of gratitude and subjective well-being (SWB) in a sample of Malaysian mothers with Down syndrome children (N = 63).
  • Publication
    Perception On The Effectiveness Of Internal Auditors In Southwest Aceh Regional Government
    In the globalization era, it is important to ensure that the objective of the organization is achieved effectively, efficiently and economically. Increase demand from society are accountability, transparency and regulatory pressure in government sector push Internal Auditors to seek ways to enhance effectiveness in their work. This study estimates the score of effectiveness level of Internal Auditors as perceived by Internal Auditors themselves and the Head of Agency. In addition, the study also examines factors influencing the score of effectiveness of Internal Auditors as perceived by Internal Auditors themselves and the Head of Agency.
  • Publication
    Predicting Life Satisfaction Of Malaysian Chinese Adolescents; The Role Of Similarity In Academic Performance, Academic Self-efficacy And Friendship Satisfaction
    Teoh, Ker Hsin
    This study examined the similarities in academic performance, academic self-efficacy and friendship satisfaction of same-sex friends at school predict life satisfaction among Malaysian Chinese adolescents. A total of 238 adolescents (mean age = 15.22) from a SMJK (Cina) located in Penang have participated in this study. This was a quantitative study; participants were required to answer a series of questionnaires. They were asked to identify one same-sex best friend at school and then rate their similarities in academic performance, similarities in academic self-efficacy and friendship satisfaction with that friend. The results revealed that adolescents in this study tend to have best friends who are similar to them. Correlation analysis revealed that friendship satisfaction and similarity in academic self-efficacy was significantly associated with adolescent’s life satisfaction. In addition, correlation analysis also showed that there was a significant association between the similarity in academic self-efficacy and friendship satisfaction. Friendship satisfaction does not serve as the mediator between the similarity in academic performance, academic self-efficacy and life satisfaction. Only similarity in academic self-efficacy was associated with higher life and friendship satisfaction. Findings indicated the importance of friendships in contributing to life satisfaction among Chinese adolescents in Malaysia
  • Publication
    Legalisation Process And Rights Of Persons Of Indonesian Descents (Pids) Residing In Mindanao, Philippines
    Saleha, Putrie Agusti
    Saleha, Putrie Agusti
    This research study focuses on the legalisation process and rights of persons of Indonesian descent (PIDs) residing in Mindanao, Philippines, using the concepts of legalisation and push and pull theory. The study explores the challenges faced by PIDs in obtaining legal recognition and protection of their rights, and investigates the factors that influence their decision to stay in Mindanao even after obtaining Indonesian nationality. The research methodology utilized for this study involved conducting interview sessions and administering mini-questionnaires to collect primary data from PIDs who have undergone the legalisation process and obtained the status of Registered Indonesian Nationals (RINs). The collected data were analyzed using qualitative methods to identify patterns and themes.The findings of the study reveal that the legalisation process for PIDs in Mindanao, Philippines is arduous, involving navigating through bureaucratic procedures, documentation requirements, and legal complexities. PIDs face challenges related to language barriers, lack of knowledge about legal processes, and limited access to legal assistance, which pose significant barriers to their legalisation process. Despite these challenges, a significant number of PIDs obtain Indonesian nationality and become RINs. However, the study finds that many of them choose to remain residing in Mindanao even after obtaining Indonesian nationality. This phenomenon can be attributed to various push and pull factors. The push factors influencing the decision of PIDs to stay in Mindanao include economic challenges, lack of job opportunities, poverty, and social discrimination in Indonesia, which may discourage them from returning to their home country