Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan - Tesis
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- PublicationCeo Competency And Earnings Management: Evidence From Nigerian Financial Firms(2023-03)Usaini, MuhammadThis study examined the influence of corporate governance (CG) mechanism (board size, board independence, CEO duality and audit committee) on earnings management (EM) of financial listed firms. It also investigated the moderating role of CEO competency on the relationship between corporate governance and earnings management. Using a sample of deposit money banks, mortgage banks and insurance firms in Nigeria, the study adopted the panel regression estimator to analyze the testable hypotheses. In support of the agency theory, the study found evidence that there is a partial support for the influence of corporate governance mechanisms on earnings management because only audit committee was found to have a significant impact on earnings management. Earnings management can also be minimized through CEO competency. In addition, the study found that CEO competency significantly moderates the relationship between audit committee and earnings management while there is no support for the moderating role of CEO competency on the relationship between board size, board independence, CEO duality, and earnings management.
- PublicationThe Ulamas As Political Elites: A Case Study of The Madurese Ulamas(1980-04)Santoso, AmirThis thesis examines: the emergence of ularnas as political elites in Maduras the bases of their elite statuss their positions and role in the NU, the challenges that they are confronted with and their responses.
- PublicationFaktor Ke Arah Peningkatan Kualiti Hidup Bekas Pesakit Kanser Payudara Di Jabatan Kerja Sosial Perubatan, Hospital Umum Sarawak(2012)Chabuk, Roseline NanaKanser payudara merupakan penyebab utama kematian dalam kalangan wanita di Malaysia. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji dengan lebih mendalam faktor-faktor yang meningkatkan kualiti hidup pesakit kanser payudara di negeri Sarawak. Selain itu, kajian ini juga turut mengenal pasti bentuk-bentuk cabaran yang dihadapi olch pesakit serta peranan yang dimainkan olch pekerja sosial perubatan dalam membantu pesakit kanser payudara. Reka bentuk kajian kualitatiftelah digunakan. Seramai 15 orang pesakit yang mendapatkan rawatan di Hospital Umum Sarawak telah ditemubual secara mendalam dalam kajian ini. Kajian mendapati, tiga faktor utama dalam meningkatkan kualiti hidup bekas pesakit kanser payudara adalah meliputi sokongan keluarga, pegangan agama dan kaunseling secara individu. Manakala bentuk-bentuk cabaran yang dilalui olch 15 orang responden merangkumi aspek psikologikal, fizikal, sosial dan kewangan. Selain itu, hasil kajianjuga menunjukkan pekerja sosial perubatan telah memainkan pelbagai peranan seperti mendapatkan bantuan kewangan, sebagai kaunselor, penyampai maklumat dan broker bagi membantu pesakit. Kesimpulannya, hasil penemuan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa pesakit kanser payudara sangat memerlukan sistem sokongan yang berterusan bagi meningkatkan kualiti hidup pesakit.
- PublicationEffectiveness Of A Gratitude-Based Intervention In Increasing Subjective Well-Being Of Mothers With Down Syndrome Children(2017-05)Yu, XiaotongThe field of positive psychology is quickly emerging with a number of interventions that focus on increasing the happiness and well-being of people. Gratitude-based interventions have been found to be one of the effective interventions in many studies. This online-based study investigated the effectiveness of a 4-week intervention using gratitude lists to improve the level of gratitude and subjective well-being (SWB) in a sample of Malaysian mothers with Down syndrome children (N = 63).
- PublicationPerception On The Effectiveness Of Internal Auditors In Southwest Aceh Regional Government(2013-03)DarliefaIn the globalization era, it is important to ensure that the objective of the organization is achieved effectively, efficiently and economically. Increase demand from society are accountability, transparency and regulatory pressure in government sector push Internal Auditors to seek ways to enhance effectiveness in their work. This study estimates the score of effectiveness level of Internal Auditors as perceived by Internal Auditors themselves and the Head of Agency. In addition, the study also examines factors influencing the score of effectiveness of Internal Auditors as perceived by Internal Auditors themselves and the Head of Agency.