Peradaban Barat Dalam Puisi Iqbal: Suatu Pendekatan Hermeneutika
Firmansyah, Erfi
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Western Civilization is the most dominant civilization today, especially in the
field of economic, politic, knowledge and technology. One of the Muslim poets from
India (now Pakistan) gives a greater emphasis on Western civilizations in his poems and
prose is Muhammad Iqbal. By studying the Western civilization in the poems of Iqbal, it
is hoped that one can get a picture of how a Moslem looks on the civilization.
Understanding the poems of Iqbal and their response to Western civilization are
matters central to this study. Both of these matters can be studied by using hermeneutic
approach. The purpose of the study in general is to find out the views of Iqbal an
Western civilization, especially in the anthology Pesan dari Timur (Payam-i Mashriq),
Javid Namah (Javid Nama) dan Pesan kepada Bangsa-bangsa Timur (Pas Chih Bayard
Kard Ay Aqwam-i Sharq). This study is interested in: l) understanding the attitude and
the comments of Iqbal on Western civilization, 2) finding out the weakness and the
strength of Western civilization in Iqbal's opinion, and 3) assessing Iqbal's comments an
the above mentioned matters.
The result of this study with hermeneutics approach, found that Iqbal regarded .,
Western civilization negatively. However, there are so~e admiration of Iqbal concerning
on the Western civilization, ~uch .as the smart mind of the Westerners, the zest of
identifying something unknown before, and also the towards spirit never·say-die. Their
orientation of thought and attitude on the spiritual dimension is the blaming aspect of
Iqbal on Western civilization because it is very secular and denying the spiritual
dimension.The secularism in the orientation of Western's thought has resulted the
philosophy, knowled~e and technological, economic, social, politic, culture and other
aspect of western life become secular and lack spirituality. The secular thinking, has
becomes the cause of the destructions, colonization, infide""l ity, gluttony, disharmony,
dissolution and other various chaos's.
This study also found out that Iqbal wishes to look, how the West learn and
absorb the East orientation towards the spirituality of the West. On the contrary, Iqbal
wishes the people from the East/Islam to study the material achievement from the West.
For Iqbal, ideally the material dimension can be harmonies with spiritual dimension.
Social sciences , Socialism