Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri - Tesis


Recent Submissions

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  • Publication
    Effects Of Different Gelling Agents And Puree Content In The Preparation Of Red Pitaya Fruits (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Gummy Candy
    Romli, Siti Rashima
    Gummy fruit candy based on red pitaya fruit iHylocerens polyrhizusi was developed using high-methoxyl pectin (HMP) and fish gelatin (FG) as gelling agents. Different types of gummy candy were prepared based on various formulations using two concentrations (20 and 25 %, w/w) of red pitaya puree (RPP) and different gelling agent to water ratios (pectin/water
  • Publication
    The Preparation And Characterization Of Papa Ya Slices And Flour And The Potential Of Flour In Cookie Preparation
    Varastegani, Boshra
    Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the important tropical fruits produced in tropical countries around the world. Papaya is rich in nutritional values and has the potential in the production of cookies. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of drying methods on papaya's physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation. The other objective of the study was to determine the effects of papaya pulp flour's (PPuF) cookies physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation when partially substituted with wheat flour at 15, 30 and 50 %, respectively. In addition, chemical compositions, antioxidant and functional properties of PPuF were evaluated and compared with commercial wheat flour (WF). The results showed that different drying methods have significant (P<0.05) effects on papaya's physico-chemical properties with 100°C having higher chemical composition, while at 160°C, the papaya slices were higher in antioxidant and total phenolic compounds. Superheated steam drying has the highest values compared to other drying methods.
  • Publication
    Minimization Of Heavy Metals Migration From Landfill Leachate By Using Admixture Of Laterite Soil And Pressmud
    Mohamad, Maheera
    This study emphasizes on field investigation and laboratory experiments involving characterization of enhancing laterite soil as daily soil cover and their suitability as proposed daily soil cover at the specifics landfill site. In this study, the laterite soil samples were mixed with waste from sugar refinery process, pressmud at difference percentage of weight ratio (10%, 30% and 50%). The physicochemical properties of the laterite soil, pressmud and laterite soil-pressmud mixtures characterization as well as leaching test were carried out. The physicochemical and engineering properties involved compaction bebavior, permeability, cation exchange capacity (CEC), compressive stress test and its surface functional groups. The leaching test method included batcb equilibrium test and soil column test. The optimum value of water content in the soilpressmud mixtures was determined in the compaction test. It was found out that the higher pressmud content in the soil, the higber optimum water content value observed.
  • Publication
    Modifikasi Hidrotermal Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Fiziko-Kimia Tepung Beras
    Tan Chiew Ming
    Modifikasi hidrotermal terhadap sifat-sifat fiziko-kirnia dan berfungsi tepung beras boleh dilakukan melalui pengolahan haba-lernbapan (H-L) atau penyepuhlindpan. Pengolahan H-L tepung beras pada 800-1300C telah didapati meningkatkan suhu gelatinisasi amilografik (G1), kestabilan pes, dan kecenderungan retrogradasi tetapi menurunkan kelikatan puncak (Vp). Pada amnya amilogram jenis B bagi tepung beras asal telah ditukarkan kepada amilogram jenis C selepas pengolahan H-L. Tepung terolah H-L mempamerkan pengurangan dalam adsorpsi air 'pada mana-mana tekanan wap relatif. Pemerhatian-pemerhatian di atas mungkin disebabkan oleh pertambahan aturan yang mungkin berlaku pada kawasan amorfus dan/atau berhablur dalam granul-granul kanji semasa pengolahan. Suhu pengolahan yang terlalu tinggi mungkin mengakibatkan penurunan dalam berat molekul kanji yang menggalakkan retrogradasi.
  • Publication
    Performance Study Of Energy Recovery System With Two Different Sizes Of Heat Exchanger Under Hot-Humid Environment
    Abul Rahman, Siti Masitah
    This thesis reports the theoretical and experimental analysis of energy recovery system with two different sizes of heat exchangers under hot-humid environment. The heat exchangers were made of membrane based material with cross-flow arrangement with an ability to transfer both sensible and latent heat from hot-humid intake airstream. The two different sizes heat exchangers i.e. smaller size and bigger size were compared with theoretical and experimental analysis. In the theoretical and experimental analysis, Number of Transfer Unit-effectiveness method and ASHRAE standard method were used. The performance of the heat exchangers was analysed based on the operating parameters namely air velocity, intake temperature, relative humidity and recovered energy. The results showed that as the air velocity increased, the effectiveness of energy recovery system decreased.