Pusat Pengajian Teknologi Industri - Tesis
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- PublicationKajian Resonans Magnet Nukleus Denyut Dan Kalorimetri Penskanan Diferensial Ke Atas Retrogradasi Kanji(1992-11)Teo, Chin Hengsuatu kaedah NMR denyut yang cepat dan tak memusnah telah diperkembangkan untuk mengkaji retrogradasi kanji. Kaedah ini berdasarkan prinsip bahawa isyarat NMR dari komponen 'seperti pepejal' dan komponen cecair bagi sesuatu sistem menyusut pada kadar yang amat berbeza berikutan satu denyutan frekuensi radio 90°. Penghabluran semula dan persekutuan molekul kanji yang berlaku semasa penuaan gel kanji menyebabkan peningkatan komponen 'seperti pepejal' di dalam sistem. Sebaliknya, isyarat dari komponen cecair berkurangan. Kaedah ini telah digunakan untuk mengkaji kinetiks retrogradasi kanji-kanji dari asal usul botanikaI yang berlainan dan kelakuan retrogradasi campuran-campuran binari kanji. Persamaan Avrami telah.digunakan untuk mengkaji kinetiks retrogradasi.
- PublicationModifikasi Hidrotermal Terhadap Sifat-Sifat Fiziko-Kimia Tepung Beras(1994-02)Tan Chiew MingModifikasi hidrotermal terhadap sifat-sifat fiziko-kirnia dan berfungsi tepung beras boleh dilakukan melalui pengolahan haba-lernbapan (H-L) atau penyepuhlindpan. Pengolahan H-L tepung beras pada 800-1300C telah didapati meningkatkan suhu gelatinisasi amilografik (G1), kestabilan pes, dan kecenderungan retrogradasi tetapi menurunkan kelikatan puncak (Vp). Pada amnya amilogram jenis B bagi tepung beras asal telah ditukarkan kepada amilogram jenis C selepas pengolahan H-L. Tepung terolah H-L mempamerkan pengurangan dalam adsorpsi air 'pada mana-mana tekanan wap relatif. Pemerhatian-pemerhatian di atas mungkin disebabkan oleh pertambahan aturan yang mungkin berlaku pada kawasan amorfus dan/atau berhablur dalam granul-granul kanji semasa pengolahan. Suhu pengolahan yang terlalu tinggi mungkin mengakibatkan penurunan dalam berat molekul kanji yang menggalakkan retrogradasi.
- PublicationKinetic Parameter Studies Of Activated Sludge Process For Anaerobic Pre-Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent(2007-05)Che Ibrahim, Ahmad KamarulnajuibA study on the evaluation of kinetic parameters for activated sludge process treating palm oil mill effluents is reported. It is hypothesized that kinetic parameters are applicable for analyzing the performance of activated sludge process for treating high strength palm oil mill effluents (POME). The kinetic parameters were obtained through bench-scale continuous flow experimental studies and batch studies using respirometry technique. The studies utilized samples of POME obtained from a facultative pond from an existing palm oil mill. The bench scale studies were conducted by treating the POME in three modes: first, the sample POME was mixed with activated carbon; second, the sample as a perforated plastic as a medium was submerged in the sample and third, the sample was used as is without being mixed with the activated carbon or any medium. The activated carbon was made from palm kernel and was prepared as well as characterized in the laboratory.
- PublicationPreparation, Characterization And Application Of Magnesium Salt-Polyacrylamide Hybrid Materials In Dye Wastewater Treatment(2012)Lee, Khai ErnMagnesium salt-polyacrylamide hybrid materials were prepared, characterized and applied for reactive dye wastewater treatment. Polyacrylamide was prepared from acrylamide monomer through redox polymerization. The fundamental aspects of polyacrylamide redox polymerization were studied through investigation of mechanism, kinetics, thermodynamics and in situ rheological properties of the redox polymerization process. The redox polymerization of polyacrylamide was optimized through design of experiment. The physicochemical properties of the polyacrylamide were investigated in terms of chemical structure, molecular weight distribution as well as viscosity in aqueous solution. The yield of the optimal redox polymerization of polyacrylamide was 96.89% with molecular weight of 1.66 x 106 Da. Magnesium salt-polyacrylamide hybrid materials were prepared through physical blending of magnesium chloride and magnesium hydroxide with polyacrylamide in aqueous solution to form magnesium chloride-polyacrylamide (MCPAM) and magnesium hydroxide-polyacrylamide (MHPAM) hybrid materials, respectively.
- PublicationPenghasilan Komposit Poliuretana-Kenaf Menggunakan Pengacuanan Tidak Balas Suntikan(2012-07)Abu Bakar, AzizahDalam kajian ini, komposit poliuretana (PU) telah dihasilkan dengan menggunakan difenilmetana diisosianat (MDI) dan gliserol yang diperkuat dengan gentian kenaf. Poliuretana dihasilkan dengan menggunakan mesin pengacuanan suntikan tindak balas (RIM) mengikut formulasi yang tertentu. Manakala tikar gentian kenaf dihasilkan menggunakan mesin penyisirkasaran dan penumbuk-jejarum. Kesan-kesan nisbah isosianat dengan hidroksil NCO/OH dan peratusan berat gentian kenaf terhadap komposit PU diperkuat gentian telah dikaji. Berdasarkan pemerhatian, didapati sifat komposit PU yang dihasilkan dipengaruhi oleh peratusan gentian kenaf dan juga nisbah NCO/OH yang digunakan dengan ketara. Kesan proses penumbukan-jejarum ke atas tikar gentian kenaf yang dihasilkan juga memberikan kesan terhadap komposit PU. Daripada analisis pengimejan SEM, didapati rangkaian telah terbentuk di antara matriks PU dan gentian kenaf. Selain itu, fenomena mengunci di antara matriks PU dan gentian kenaf juga dapat diperhatikan, iaitu penyerapan matriks ke dalam kapilari gentian kenaf.
- PublicationLife Cycle Assessment: Case Study In Wafer Fabrication(2014-07)Murad, MarfaizaWafer fabrication is the heart of semiconductor manufacturing process and is regards as the core of electronic industries in Malaysia. As more plants of wafer fabrication are being set up in Malaysia, a great concern for the environmental impact has emerged and needs to be investigated. This research has been conducted in order to evaluate the environmental impact of two wafer types - Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (lGBT) fabrication, based on life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. In this study, only raw material and energy flows that entering and exiting the manufacturing plants were considered. This is also known as "gate-to-gate" study. The System for Integrated Environmental Assessment Product (SimaPro) 7.1 modelling software with Eco-Indicator 99 method were utilized to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of wafer fabrication processes. Based on the results, damage to resources due to fossil fuel depletion was identified as the worst environmental impact for both wafer manufacturing caused by the huge amount of electricity consumption.
- PublicationCharacterization Of Oil Palm Shell Nano Filler In Hybrid Kenaf/Coconut Fibres Reinforced Polyester Composites(2014-09)September 2014In this research, hybrid kenaflcoconut fibres reinforced polyester composites were developed and enhanced with nano filler Oil Palm Shell (OPS). The raw OPS was subjected to grinding followed by high-energy ball milling for 30 hours to become OPS nano particles. Characterization of OPS nano filler such as surface morphologies, elemental composition and functional groups were evaluated by using Scanning Electron Microscopy equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (SEM with EDX), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) respectively. The SEM-EDX images revealed that OPS nano filler produced consisted of crushed and irregular shape structures with presence of carbon and oxygen as a major elements composition. Besides, Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) were used to characterize particle size, crystallinity index and thermal properties of OPS nano filler respectively. The TEM micrograph revealed that OPS particles size ranged between 10 to 30 nm indicates their nanometric nature.
- PublicationIsolation And Characterization Of Cadmium Resistant Bacteria From Industrial Wastewater(2014-09)Abbas, Syed ZaghumIn the last few decades, cadmium removal by biological ways has received great attention. Nevertheless, for the growing of microorganisms that harbor many mechanisms for cadmium sequestration and may have great cadmium removal capacities, only small number of these studies employed in Malaysia. Six bacterial strains were isolated from industrial wastewater of Penang, Malaysia. The strains RZ 1, RZ2, RZ3, RZ4, RZ5 and RZ6 were identified as Pantoea sp. RL32.2, Salmonella enterica, Enterobacter sp. OCPSB 1, Enterobacter mori, Enterobacter sp. WS 12 and Pseudomonas sp. M3 respectively, based on morphological, biochemical, physiological observation and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. All the six strains showed optimum growth and cadmium removal at 7.0 pH and 35°C temperature. The strains RZl, RZ2, RZ3, RZ4, RZ5 and RZ6 removed 89.89%, 82.10%, 89.14%, 87.75%, 85.11% and 81.89% of cadmium, respectively. The cadmium removal capacities by all the strains were affected by temperature and pH. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of the strains RZl, RZ2, RZ3, RZ4, RZ5 and RZ6 were 750 ug/ml., 410 ug/ml., 550 ug/ml.; 450 ug/ml., 500 ug/rnl. and 550 ug/ml, respectively.
- PublicationAdhesion Properties Of Benzoly Peroxide Crosslinked Epoxidized Natural Rubber (ENR 25) - Based Pressure Sensitive Adhesives(2014-10)Suid, Nurul HamizaThe objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of crosslinking density, rate of testing and thickness coating on the adhesion properties of epoxidized natural rubber (ENR 25)-based adhesives using coumarone-indene, gum rosin and petroresin as the tacki fiers. Toluene and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were used as solvent and coating substrate respectively. A SHEEN hand coater was used to coat the adhesive on the substrate. All adhesion properties were determined by a LJyod Adhesion Tester operating at different rates of testing. Results showed that the adhesion properties of ENR 25-based adhesive increased with crosslink density and reduced again after the optimum crosslink. The loop tack and peel strength of cournarone-indene, gum rosin and petroresin passed through a maximum value at I parts per hundred parts of rubber (phr), 2 phr and 3 phr benzoyl peroxide concentration respectively, an observation which was attributed to the optimum crosslinking of ENR 25 where optimum cohesive and adhesive strength was obtained.
- PublicationThe Preparation And Characterization Of Papa Ya Slices And Flour And The Potential Of Flour In Cookie Preparation(2014-12)Varastegani, BoshraPapaya (Carica papaya L.) is one of the important tropical fruits produced in tropical countries around the world. Papaya is rich in nutritional values and has the potential in the production of cookies. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of drying methods on papaya's physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation. The other objective of the study was to determine the effects of papaya pulp flour's (PPuF) cookies physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation when partially substituted with wheat flour at 15, 30 and 50 %, respectively. In addition, chemical compositions, antioxidant and functional properties of PPuF were evaluated and compared with commercial wheat flour (WF). The results showed that different drying methods have significant (P<0.05) effects on papaya's physico-chemical properties with 100°C having higher chemical composition, while at 160°C, the papaya slices were higher in antioxidant and total phenolic compounds. Superheated steam drying has the highest values compared to other drying methods.
- PublicationMinimization Of Heavy Metals Migration From Landfill Leachate By Using Admixture Of Laterite Soil And Pressmud(2014-12)Mohamad, MaheeraThis study emphasizes on field investigation and laboratory experiments involving characterization of enhancing laterite soil as daily soil cover and their suitability as proposed daily soil cover at the specifics landfill site. In this study, the laterite soil samples were mixed with waste from sugar refinery process, pressmud at difference percentage of weight ratio (10%, 30% and 50%). The physicochemical properties of the laterite soil, pressmud and laterite soil-pressmud mixtures characterization as well as leaching test were carried out. The physicochemical and engineering properties involved compaction bebavior, permeability, cation exchange capacity (CEC), compressive stress test and its surface functional groups. The leaching test method included batcb equilibrium test and soil column test. The optimum value of water content in the soilpressmud mixtures was determined in the compaction test. It was found out that the higher pressmud content in the soil, the higber optimum water content value observed.
- PublicationSynthesis And Characterisation Of Colloidal Alpo-S Nanocrystals Templated By L-Ethyl-2,3- Dimetiiylimidazolium Hydroxide(2015-01)Ng Tat Lun, DarrenColloidal stable nanosized AIPO-S crystals were synthesised via hydrothermal method using a new template, l-ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium hydroxide, [edmim]OH. The syntheses were carried out under various synthesis conditions such as heating time, heating temperature and molar composition of precursor gels to investigate the effects of the conditions on the crystallisation of AIPO-S. The new template, [edmim]OH, had produced colloidally stable AIPO-S nanocrystals with the size in the range of SO-800 nm with low agglomeration and defined shape. Additionally, this study also applied a facile and fast synthesis method whereby the precursor gels were heated with microwave radiation rather than the conventional heating in an oven. This synthesis method allowed AIPO-S nanocrystals to be obtained within several minutes compared to the conventional hydrothermal heating which required several hours for complete crystallisation. Interestingly, the nanocrystals obtained via microwave heating were of smaller sizes due to fast nucleation. The AIPO-S nanocrystals obtained in this study exhibited hexagonal frustum feature with low agglomeration.
- PublicationEffect Of Superheated Steam (Shs) Pre-Treatment On Quality Of Fish Oil From Catfish (C/Arias Batrachus)(2015-01)Veeriah, HarivaindaranSuperheated steam (SHS), a dry steam with temperature higher than boiling point that operates without the presence of oxygen is used to pre-treat catfish, Clarius batrachus, before being subsequently pressed via hydraulic press to obtain fish oil. Fish were first cleaned and reduced in size before being treated with SHS at 150°C, 200°C, 250°C, for 10, 15, 20 min for each temperature. Fish are then transferred into a mould, pressed using a hydraulic press and the resulting aliquot is centrifuged and oil is collected. Quality of the resulting fish oil is studied in terms of yield, colour, oxidation, thermal analysis and fatty acid composition. Yield of the catfish oil showed higher values when heated with higher temperatures of SHS, the highest being the 250°C, 20 minutes pre-treatment (8.91 gram/gram fish, significantly different at p> 0.05) which was incidentally lower than solvent extraction and this fact has been proven in past literature. Colour analysis showed tendency towards a darker yellow colour as treatment time and temperature increased. In terms free fatty acids (FFA) values, solvent extracted raw catfish oil had the highest and most significant value (2.56% oleic acid) and this reflected in high acid value beyond that of acceptable edible oil standard. However, peroxide values were mostly insignificantly different. The extent of oxidative damage was obvious in the p-anisidine values whereby at 250°C, 20 minutes pre-treatment, there was a sharp rise to 12.05 which, although significantly different, was still within edible oil standard.
- PublicationEffects Of Different Gelling Agents And Puree Content In The Preparation Of Red Pitaya Fruits (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Gummy Candy(2015-02)Romli, Siti RashimaGummy fruit candy based on red pitaya fruit iHylocerens polyrhizusi was developed using high-methoxyl pectin (HMP) and fish gelatin (FG) as gelling agents. Different types of gummy candy were prepared based on various formulations using two concentrations (20 and 25 %, w/w) of red pitaya puree (RPP) and different gelling agent to water ratios (pectin/water
- PublicationStudy Of Bi-Functionalized Laterite Soil In Treating Dye Wastewater Through Coagulation-Flocculation And Degradation(2015-05)Lau, Yen YieRaw laterite soil collected from Bukit Merah, Perlis, Malaysia went through decolorization pre-treatment before being used as coagulant-flocculant. This key material is dominated by silica component (36.30 %), followed by aluminum (27.10 %) and ferric (26.86 %). Silica was activated at the acidic region (pH 2) which allowed the silica to cleave the dye molecular structure through suhstituition, electrical douhle layer compression and charge neutralization. Meanwhile, aluminium and ferric act as auxiliary agents in the coagulation-flocculation process. Laterite soil was able to remove: acid orange 7 with 99.50 % at dosage of 14000 mg/L; methylene blue with 99.61 % at dosage of2500 mg/L; methyl orange with 99.11 % at dosage of9000 mgII " cibacron brilliant yellow 3G-P with 99.46 % at dosage of 8000 mgfL and reactive red 120 with 99.53 % at dosage of 6000 mgIL. This project has provided a new insight into an effective dye degradation using a new class of natural coagulant-flocculantnatural resources.
- PublicationPretreatment And Iiydrolysis Of Rice Straw And Fruits Peel Waste By Using Vermiwash For Bioethanol Production(2016-01)Md. Nasir, Siti NorfarihaThe main objective for this study was to produce ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass which are rice straw and fruit waste peel (equal ratio of papaya, pineapple and guava). Vermiwash was used in the hydrolysis process. The experimental works involved were biomass characterization, bacteria isolation from venniwash and biochemical tests such as (carboxymethylcellulase) CMC test, starch test and phenol red test, including bacterial identification using 16S rDNA. Besides ethanol concentration, reducing sugar and enzymatic activity determination by dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method were also carried out. The study involved the screening part and also the optimization for the factors involved in the ethanol yield using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Four
- PublicationEnhancement Of Bamboo Nanofiller In Pineapple Leaf Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites(2016-08)Wahid, ZulqarnainIn this research, pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) reinforced polyester composites were developed and enhanced with nanofiller bamboo particles. Characterization of bamboo nanofiller such as surface morphologies, elemental composition and functional groups were evaluated by using Scanning Electron Microscopy equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (SEM with EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) respectively. The SEM-EDX images revealed that bamboo nanofiller produced consisted of crushed and irregular shape structures with presence of carbon and oxygen as a major elements composition. Besides, Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) were used to characterize particle size, crystallinity index and thermal properties of bamboo nanofiller respectively. The TEM micrograph revealed that bamboo particles size ranged between 10 to 30 nm indicates their nanometric nature. Percentage crystallinity of bamboo nanofiller by XRD analysis comes out to be 42.90%, show its lower degree of crystallinity index. Effect of different filler loading (O, l, 3, and 5 wt %) of bamboo nanofiller into pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) reinforced polyester composites were studied.
- PublicationEffect Of Cellulosic Material From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (Opefb) On The Reinforcement Properties Of Recycled Paper(2017-12)Abdul Rahman, Khairul HafizuddinThe use of recycled fibers in the Malaysian paper industry has been an economic and environmental necessity due to the limited availability of virgin fiber. However, with each recycling, the paper strength decreases, hence different methods are employed to increase its strength potentials. Various forms of oil palm cellulosic materials viz. OPEFB-UB. OPEFB-OZP, OPEFB-MCC and OPEFB-TEMPO were used to enhanced the strength properties of the recycled paper that were obtained from the old corrugated container (OCC).
- PublicationPerformance Study Of Energy Recovery System With Two Different Sizes Of Heat Exchanger Under Hot-Humid Environment(2018-01)Abul Rahman, Siti MasitahThis thesis reports the theoretical and experimental analysis of energy recovery system with two different sizes of heat exchangers under hot-humid environment. The heat exchangers were made of membrane based material with cross-flow arrangement with an ability to transfer both sensible and latent heat from hot-humid intake airstream. The two different sizes heat exchangers i.e. smaller size and bigger size were compared with theoretical and experimental analysis. In the theoretical and experimental analysis, Number of Transfer Unit-effectiveness method and ASHRAE standard method were used. The performance of the heat exchangers was analysed based on the operating parameters namely air velocity, intake temperature, relative humidity and recovered energy. The results showed that as the air velocity increased, the effectiveness of energy recovery system decreased.
- PublicationReduction Of Sulphate In Waste Recycle Aggregate Using Bacillus Subtilis(2018-07)Abdul Aziz, NurhanimWaste concrete aggregate (WCA) is highly potential to be re-utilised as a recycled material as it is applicable to numerous functions. Attached cement paste on WCA surface has limited the potential WCA to be recycled as a part of raw construction materials. Low density, high in water absorption and sulphate content are identified as the major contributing factors for this limitation. The sulphate content in delayed ettringite formation (DEF) from high water absorption of attached cement paste leads to DEF expansion and forms a micro-crack, causing a mass loss and affects the mechanical strength (compressive strength) of the concrete.