Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh - Tesis
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- PublicationKesan Peta Animasi Dan Interaktif Dalam Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Geografi(2006-06)Raman, ArumugamPara pelajar sekolah menengah menghadapi masalah menguasai kemahiran topografi iaitu membaca peta, mentafsir peta dan mengenal pasti simbol peta. Masalah ini perlu diatasi supaya pelajar dapat menggunakan ilmu kemahiran ini apabila mereka melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat tinggi atau masuk ke alam pekerjaan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti kesan penggunaan Peta Animasi dan Interaktif dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran kemahiran peta topografi. Kesan penggunaan Alat Bantu Mengajar ini diukur berdasarkan perbezaan pencapaian markah pelajar dalam ujian pra dan pasca.
- PublicationUnsur Sejarah Sebagai Satu Strategi Naratif Dalam Syair Perang Menteng Dan Syair Sultan Maulana: Satu Kajian Bandingan(2021-12)Wan Roshazli Wan RazaliKajian ini membincangkan unsur sejarah sebagai satu strategi naratif secara perbandingan dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan Syair Sultan Maulana. Objektif utama kajian adalah untuk mengetengahkan unsur sejarah yang telah diguna oleh pengarang sebagai ilham penciptaan dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan Syair Sultan Maulana. Untuk memperdalamkan perbincangan, kajian ini didasarkan kepada teori naratif oleh Mieke Bal (2017) dan kerangka konsep sastera perbandingan oleh Susan Bassnett (1991). Beerdasarkan kepada teori naratif, lima prinsip yang akan diaplikasi dalam perbincangan kajian ini iaitu watak, latar, ideologi, pengarang dan teks. Di samping itu juga, kajian ini turut diperkemaskan lagi bersama pendekatan kesusasteraan bandingan melalui tiga prinsip yang terdapat dalam kesusasteraan bandingan iaitu tematik, generik dan genetik. Objektif kedua pula, adalah menganalisis ideologi pengarang yang terdapat dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan Syair Sultan Maulana sebagai idea untuk mengangkat kedudukan Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II dalam Syair Perang Menteng manakala Sultan Maulana dalam Syair Sultan Maulana sebagai sultan yang mempunyai kehebatan dalam menyelesaikan masalah negaranya. Aspek perbandingan kajian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan genetik untuk memperlihatkan persamaan dan perbezaan watak kedua-dua sultan ini. Objektif ketiga ialah, membandingkan strategi peperangan orang Melayu Palembang dalam Syair Perang Menteng dan orang Melayu Kedah dalam Syair Sultan Maulana.
- PublicationHubungan Tributari China-Melaka Zaman Dinasti Ming Dari Tahun 1400 Hingga 1511(2022-01)Tan Hock ChuanPembukaan Melaka pada tahun 1400 oleh Parameswara menjadikan Melaka muncul sebagai sebuah kawasan yang paling bernilai kepada China. Lantas, Maharaja Yong-le mengutuskan Yin Qing ke Melaka menjalin hubungan luar China melalui sistem tributari. Maharaja Yong-le merupakan maharaja Dinasti Ming teragung dalam pelaksanaan sistem tributari China. Manakala Laksamana Zheng He melalui tujuh ekspedisi ke Lautan Barat (1405-1433) telah berjaya membawa sistem tributari China ke peringkat kemuncak. Dengan terjalin hubungan tersebut bermulalah episod sejarah hubungan Melaka-China selama 111 tahun. Justeru, kajian ini meninjau sejauh mana hubungan tributari China era Dinasti Ming dengan Melaka diamalkan, bukan sahaja dari aspek politik malah meninjau juga dari aspek sosio budaya. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa hubungan tributari tersebut telah membantu Melaka muncul sebagai sebuah pusat perdagangan antarabangsa pada abad ke-15. Selanjutnya, hubungan tributari tersebut juga berasosiasi dengan aspek-aspek sosial budaya seperti terbitnya kamus China-Melayu yang terawal Manlajia Guoyu Yi (Senarai Melayu Melaka), kewujudan masyarakat Baba dan Nyonya serta pengaruh China dalam seni bina di Melaka. Dalam pada itu, kajian ini banyak memanfaatkan sumber-sumber primer khususnya Ming Shilu (Rekod Rasmi Sejarah Dinasti Ming) untuk mengetengahkan fakta-fakta sejarah yang masih belum diterokai oleh pengkaji terdahulu. Tuntasnya, kajian ini sangat signifikant kerana penulisan ini cuba menolak pandangan klise yang dikemukakan oleh sarjana-sarjana Barat bahawa hubungan tributari China adalah satu bentuk penjajah tradisional yang dikenali sebagai proto-colonialism.
- PublicationCerpen-Cerpen Terpilih Rejab F.I. Dalam Perspektif Teori Pengkaedahan Melayu(2022-01)Osman Bin AyobTujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis elemen moral, dakwah dan kemasyarakatan yang terdapat dalam cerpen-cerpen terpilih karya Rejab F.I.
- PublicationPolicy Transfer In Critical Perspective: The Case Of Malaysia My Second Home Programme(2022-02)Nurulhasanah Binti Abdul RahmanMalaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H) was established in 2002 as a government initiative programme to promote Malaysia as a retirement hub for financially qualified foreigners. Although the programme is in high demand to boost Malaysia‟s economy and tourism industry, the actual MM2H programme achievement is hampered by many policy problems. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the root of the problem by analysing the programme using the policy transfer approach. To address this need, the focus of the study aimed to explore the exact process of policy transfer in the MM2H programme and propose recommendations for policy improvement.
- PublicationGeographic Information System Based Three-Dimensional Soil Water Dynamic Model For Landslide Modelling(2022-02)Siti Nurbaidzuri Binti ReliThe current three-dimensional (3D) geospatial model neglects the importance of dynamic changes and focuses more on static modelling. By emphasizing the dynamism of 3D geospatial landslides triggered by soil water movement, this study aims to develop a three-dimensional Soil Water Dynamic Flow (3D SWD FLOW) model to represent an effectual movement and mitigate the severe implications of landslide hazards using a novel Danger Level (DL) approach.
- PublicationKetuhanan Dalam Puisi-puisi Abizai Dari Perspektif Teori Takmilah(2022-06)Yan, HelmiAbizai (Zainal Abidin Hj Suhaili) is a Sarawakian writer who is associated with Islamic poetry writing. Abizai often expresses spiritual theme and arty language in his works. This study intends to explore divinity aspects, identify preaching elements, and analyse the aesthetics in his poems. Research methodology that is used here is content analysis. Seven poem collections that were studied are Seekor Kelawar di Kamar Pengantin, Mengenal yang Asal, Membentuk Elok di Teluk Esok, Sang Kelawar Kesiangan, Sinar Benar, Merdeka Burung and Kitab Rahsia. Takmilah theory that was proposed by Shafie Abu Bakar is adopted to analyse the poem collections. The principles in Takmilah theory that were chosen for this study are the principle that Divine is kamal (perfect), the principle that the audience are edified to be insan kamil (perfect beings) and the principle that literature is aesthetic and takmilah (complete and complementary). Findings show the principle that Divine is kamal, through the use of divinity theme is clearly shown as repository of oneness in Abizai's poems. Piety and obedience become the way of encouraging the audience to have faith in the existence of Allah SWT through His creation. Based on the principle that edified the audience to be insan kamil, describing the poet personality as someone that is prone towards divine and spiritual theme made Abizai's works as a medium to preach and nurture insan kamil in terms of moral and implementation of Islamic law.
- PublicationRelationship Between Innovativeness And Performance: A Study Of Tourism Entrepreneurs In Langkawi(2022-06)Bukhari, Azmil Munif MohdTourism is is the largest component within the service sector which in turn the largest contributor to Malaysia’s gross domestic product (GDP). Tourism industry is in a downward spiral due to various reasons such as global economic crisis strong competition from other countries. Innovative efforts are necessary to further promote this industry to reap the full benefits and potential. Innovativeness remains one of the important factors in enhancing tourism enterprises. In view of the above, the purpose of this study is to examine the interrelationship of three innovativeness variables and performance. In addition to that, the moderating role of political networking and institutional support will also be studied. Based on responses from 126 tourism related entrepreneurs, this study conducted partial-least-square structural equation modeling analysis to test all the hyphotheses. Additionally, this study also conducted semi structured qualitative interviews to understand in detail the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. In general, market innovativeness, strategic innovativeness, political networking and institutional support positively influence performance. Furthermore, political networking moderates the relationship between all there innovativeness constructs (market, behavior and strategic) and performance. However, institutional support only moderates the relationship between market innovativeness and performance.
- PublicationSurat Raja-Raja Dan Surat Undang-Undang: Cerminan Sosioekonomi Orang Melayu Kedah Sehingga Awal Kurun Ke-20(2022-09)Saari, HaslindawatiKajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepentingan Surat Raja-Raja (SRR) dan Surat Undang-Undang (SUU) kepada pensejarahan sosioekonomi orang Melayu Kedah pada penghujung kurun ke-19 hingga awal kurun ke-20. SRR dan SUU merupakan rekod bertulis mengenai pentadbiran dan perundangan Kedah bawah pemerintahan kesultanan Melayu yang dinaungi kuasa asing iaitu Siam, kemudiannya British. Objektif kajian adalah untuk menilai kepentingan SRR dan SUU sebagai cerminan sosioekonomi orang-orang Melayu Kedah pada penghujung kurun ke-19 hingga awal kurun ke-20. Selain itu, kajian ini membincangkan isu-isu tanah dan permasalahan hutang dalam kalangan orang-orang Melayu akibat daripada perubahan dalam pentadbiran dan perundangan negeri. Berdasarkan SRR dan SUU, kajian ini menganalisis kegiatan jenayah dan masalah sosial dalam kalangan masyarakat Melayu Kedah akibat ketidakseimbangan ekonomi di Kedah. Penyelidikan kajian ini menggunakan kaedah sejarah yang merujuk kaedah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan tematik dalam penulisan bab. Melalui kaedah kualitatif, SRR dan SUU dijadikan sebagai sumber khusus kajian dalam aspek membincangkan sosioekonomi orang Melayu Kedah sehingga awal kurun ke-20.
- PublicationThe Challenges Of Boko Haram Insurgency: Implications For Nigeria’S National Security, 2009-2017(2022-10)August 2022This research examines challenges of Boko Haram insurgency and implications for Nigeria’s national security, with the scope covering the period from 2009 until 2017. The scope is purposely chosen to start from when the BH terrorist group became more violent. This period witnessed consistent and ruthless attacks by the BH terror group in northeastern Nigeria, with devastating consequences on the national security architecture of Nigeria. The theoretical basis of this study lays emphasis on Emile Durkheim and Robert K. Merton's Anomie Theory. Qualitative methods of research inquiry were used to generate data and Content Analysis as methodology. The data were collected using the key informant interview (KII) and focus group discussion (FGD). A total of 210 respondents participated in this study, 30 in-depth interviews for the KII, and 18 group discussions of 10 participants in each cluster of both Adamawa and Borno states. The participants are selected using the purposive and criterion sampling techniques of those who played active roles in the fight against Boko Haram insurgency and those directly affected by Boko Haram terrorism. Data collected were analysed using content analysis and coding.
- PublicationPeranan Dan Impak Tarbiyah Dalam Parti Islam Semalaysia (Pas): Kajian Terhadap Wacana Rasmi Dan Pengalaman Hidup Ahli-Ahli Dalam Dewan Muslimat Pas Negeri Pulau Pinang (DMPNPP)(2022-10)Norhana Binti KhaledKajian ini bertujuan meneliti tarbiyah yang dilaksanakan oleh Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) terhadap kumpulan usrah wanita (Muslimat) di negeri Pulau Pinang. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori gerakan sosial (SMT) dan konsep hidup beragama untuk menggambarkan wacana rasmi dan pengalaman hidup ahli-ahli usrah wanita dalam Dewan Muslimat PAS Negeri Pulau Pinang (DMPNPP). Bagi mengkaji kumpulan usrah Muslimat, pendekatan etnografi telah digunakan.
- PublicationKeberkesanan Pembelajaran Makmal Maya Teradun Terhadap Kawalan Hormon(2022-10)Sumaiyah Binti Abd RahmanTujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenalpasti keperluan dan menganalisis keberkesanan menggunakan model pembelajaran teradun yang dinamakan sebagai Makmal Maya Teradun (MMT) dalam kalangan pelajar di Institut Pendidikan Guru Major Sains. Terdapat tiga fasa utama dalam mereka bentuk dan membangunkan MMT iaitu melibatkan (i) analisis keperluan, (ii) reka bentuk dan pembangunan dan (iii) kajian keberkesanan MMT.
- PublicationEstetika Puisi Terpilih Karya Penyair Wanita Melayu Abad Ke-20(2022-11)Wan Mohamed, Wan Siti AzahayuKajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka dan mengenal pasti puisi-puisi terpilih penyair wanita Melayu abad ke-20 yang diwakili oleh Zurinah Hassan, Siti Zainon Ismail, Zaihasra, Siti Zaleha M. Hashim dan Salmiah Ismail daripada aspek estetika atau keindahan. Kajian ini dijalankan berasaskan ciri-ciri keindahan dalam konsep keindahan Teori Puitika Sastera Melayu oleh Muhammad Haji Salleh. Ciri-ciri keindahan tersebut ialah “Keindahan dalam Mengajar atau Mendidik”, “Keindahan dalam Mengungkapkan Kesedihan dan Kesusahan”, “Keindahan dalam Penceritaan”, “Keindahan dalam Rasa” dan “Keindahan yang Asli”. Bagi ciri “Keindahan dalam Rasa”, Teori Rasa Fenomenologi oleh Sohaimi Abdul Aziz telah disandarkan secara khusus bagi menganalisis dan menilai kehadiran rasa indah khalayak terhadap puisi-puisi yang dihasilkan oleh penyair wanita Melayu abad ke-20. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa puisi-puisi terpilih karya lima orang penyair wanita abad ke-20 berjaya mengungkapkan keindahan seperti mana ciri-ciri keindahan dalam konsep keindahan Teori Puitika Sastera Melayu. Keindahan ini juga lahir daripada cara penyair mengadun, mengolah dan mencerna puisi-puisi mereka dengan penggunaan bahasa yang berkesan bagi menyerlahkan keindahan puisi-puisi yang dihasilkan. Manakala, ciri “Keindahan dalam Rasa” yang disandarkan pada Teori Rasa Fenomenologi pula berjaya mengungkapkan pelbagai jenis emosi dan ekspresi rasa khalayak terhadap puisi-puisi terpilih penyair wanita Melayu abad ke-20.
- PublicationMathematical Modelling Of Steady Bödewadt Flow And Heat Transfer In Nanofluid And Hybrid Nanofluid Over A Permeable And Radially Stretching Disk(2023-01)Mahyuddin, Anis AnisahThis thesis studies the flow and heat transfer characteristics of steady Bödewadt flow in nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid with the presence of suction on the radial stretching permeable disk. Bödewadt flow is a rotating flow that is induced by a rotating source that is placed far away from the bottom disk. In this study, the role of nanofluid in heat transfer enhancement are theoretically investigated. The nanoparticles that considered in this study are copper, silver, and aluminium oxide while the base fluid is water. By using the similarity variables, the governing partial differential equations are reduced to nonlinear ordinary differential equation which are then numerically solved using the Keller’s Box method. Adequate amount of suction was needed for the similarity solution of heat transfer equation to exist in the case of stagnant disk. The presence of suction and stretching disk caused the momentum and thermal boundary layer thickness to reduce. Both nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid helps in increasing the local skin friction coefficient and local Nusselt number better than viscous fluid. However, the heat transfer enhancement occurs only when volume fraction of nanoparticle is sufficiently small due to the presence of suction. The presence of the second nanoparticles in hybrid nanofluid showed that the heat transfer enhancement is better compared to nanofluid. Same as the case of nanofluid, sufficiently amount of suction and stretching disk need to be applied in order to enhance the heat transfer rate.
- PublicationLocal Government Administration And Rural Transformation In Nasarawa State, Nigeria(2023-08)Patrick, Kokona BulusThere is an interface that exists between government at the rural or grass root level and rural transformation or development which is the main reason why Local Government Administrations were established all over the world. This research work seeks to examine the role of Local Government Administrations in Rural Development in Nasarawa State, Nigeria, with a particular focus on three key variables of rural development which are: Agriculture, Health and Education. The main objectives of this study are (i) to examine the extent to which Local Government Administrations in Nasarawa state have contributed to Rural Development in terms of Agriculture, Health and Education, (ii) to investigate the factors responsible for the underdevelopment of the rural areas in Nasarawa state in terms of Agriculture, Health and Education, (iii) to suggest the ways forward on how the rural areas of Nasarawa state can be better developed. The study employed the qualitative research method, where an in- depth interview was conducted. The data were coded and analyzed using the thematic analysis with the help of Nvivo 12 software. The findings in the study reveal that local government administrations in Nasarawa state have failed to deliver on their mandate of developing the rural areas as expected of them, most especially in the areas of Agriculture, Health and Education. The study therefore recommends that the Local Government Administrations in the state should do their best by ensuring good service delivery in the rural areas in terms of Agriculture, Health, and Education.
- PublicationThe Effect Of Global Mindset And Export Market Orientation On Malaysian Food Industry Smes Towards International Performance(2023-09)Rahman, Nurul Ulya AbdulA country's economy relies heavily on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, some SMEs were unable to maintain outstanding performance in international markets. According to dynamic-capability theory, a global mindset and export market orientation are crucial factors in achieving desired performance. This research investigates the effects of global mindset and export market orientation on the international performance of food industry SMEs in Malaysia. On the other hand, decision-making logic (causation and effectuation) is a mediating variable in the linkages between global mindset and international performance. On top of that, this research incorporates domestic strategic alliance as a moderating variable between export market orientation and international performance relationship. This quantitative study was conducted on food industry SMEs in the emerging country, Malaysia. The PLS-SEM technique was used to analyse the data. The results showed that two aspects of a global mindset, responsiveness expectations and divisional coordination expectations, positively impacted decision-making logic (causation and effectuation). One aspect of export market orientation, export intelligence responsiveness, has a positive effect on international performance. The results reveal that the mediating role of decision-making logic on the linkages between global mindset and international performance was insignificant.
- PublicationThe Influence Of Interaction On Student Satisfaction Via Flow Experience Among Distance Learners(2023-09)Kassim, Siti Fatimah MohdLifelong learning has been recognized as a global priority for addressing the many challenges of sustainability in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015 - 2025. Correspondingly, in an online setting, learners have fewer possibilities to interact with higher education institutions. Despite several studies on interactions, flow, and student satisfaction, it is relevant to Western countries and traditional students. The study aims to investigate the impact of interactions (learner-content, learner- instructor, and learner-learner) on student satisfaction among distance learners in Malaysia. The research framework in this study is based on the transactional distance theory proposed by Moore (1989). To test the proposed hypotheses, data was collected through the self-administered questionnaire tool, Survey Monkey. The study sample consisted of 270 respondents that conform to the inclusion criteria, and SPSS was used to analyze the hypotheses. This study found a favorable and substantial association between flow experience and student satisfaction. Meanwhile, the hypotheses' results show that learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner- learner interaction each have a positive impact on student satisfaction. Finally, the further three hypotheses tested did not indicate that learner-content interaction, learner-instructor interaction, and learner-learner interaction have a significant impact on flow experience. Several theoretical and practical implications of the study are explored based on the study's findings, methodologies, and results. Suggestions for future research are also offered.