Publication: A rectangular dielectric resonator antenna
Lee, Ai Yieng
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This undergraduate project proposes the design of a Rectangular
Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA). The targeted frequency range is between
2GHz and 4GHz with its resonant frequency to be around 3GHz. Besides that,
the return loss of the antenna aims to have a return loss lower than -10dB to
justify for an efficient antenna feed. The DRA was designed using a low dielectric
constant substrate material that is known as RO4003C™. Its dielectric constant
is only 3.38. On the other hand, the ceramic dielectric was fabricated using high
dielectric constant Bismuth Titanate, Bi3Ti4O12, which has value as high as 90.
After fabrication, the antenna is tested for its performance. This was done with
the help of measuring equipment in the RF laboratory such as network analyzer
and the material analyzer. Comparisons were then conducted to observe the
efficiency of the designed antenna.
With objective of designing a DRA with 3GHz resonant frequency, the
project was completed successfully with the resonant frequency occurring around
2.7GHz both in simulation and measurement results. At the resonant frequency
of 2.7GHz, the return losses only differs only 3.4% from each other. Other
parameters such as gain, directivity and efficiency achieved a satisfactory value.
Thus, the design of the Dielectric Resonator met the desired requirement and is
successfully done.