Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam (ISDEV) - Tesis
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- PublicationConceptualization Of The Islamic Quality Management Model For Non-Profit Islamic Based Development Institutions In Malaysia(2023-02)Mokhtar, Mohd Sadiq MohdNon-Profit Islamic Based Development Institution (NPIBDI) has been an essential institution for Muslims. Malaysia is Muslim majority country with Islam as the religion of the Federation. To the Islamic world, Malaysia is the role model in terms of its Islamic institutions. However, past researchers raised issues regarding NPIBDI in Malaysia, which is found to be underachieved compared to profit-based Islamic institutions as the level of confidence to these institutions are low. Even though NPIBDI is a non-profit entity, NPIBDI manage a considerable amount of funds and is susceptible to mismanagement. Therefore, past researchers suggested that the NPIBDI implement a conventional quality management model. However, arguments by researchers show that these quality management models are unsuitable to be implemented in Islamic institutions based on the Islamic philosophical perspectives. On the other hand, Malaysia introduced shariah based Islamic Quality Management (MS1900), whose aim is to fill the gap left by conventional quality management. However, past researchers also criticised MS1900 because some of the concepts are still within the conventional quality management paradigm, which does not align with the Islamic philosophical paradigm.
- PublicationKonsep Pembangunan Insan Berteraskan Nilai Mahabbah Dalam Kitab Kulliyyat Rasa’Il Al-Nur Karangan Badi‘ Al-Zaman Sa‘Id Al-Nursiy(2023-05)Khosim, NorulliszaPembangunan insan menuntut pembangunan dari segenap aspek iaitu rohani, intelek, emosi, jasmani dan sosial (REIJS). Namun, sering kali pengabaian terhadap salah satu aspek berlaku yang menjadikan pembangunan tidak seimbang dan bersepadu, seterusnya memberi kesan negatif terhadap pembangunan individu, masyarakat dan tamadun keseluruhannya. Pembangunan insan dari segenap aspek ini dapat dilakukan dengan penerapan nilai mahabbah. Nilai mahabbah berperanan penting dalam proses tersebut untuk membentuk jati diri insan yang cemerlang duniawi dan ukhrawi apabila diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan dengan cara berteraskan Islam. Oleh itu, bagi membudayakan pembangunan seimbang dan bersepadu dari segenap aspek, pembinaan konsep pembangunan insan berteraskan nilai mahabbah (PIBNiM) menjadi satu keperluan agar dapat dijadikan rujukan dalam proses pelaksanaan tersebut. Uniknya, terdapat sebuah kitab yang dinamakan Kulliyyat Rasa’il al-Nur karangan Badi‘ al-Zaman Sa‘id al-Nursiy turut membincangkan nilai mahabbah. Persoalannya, apakah nilai mahabbah dalam Kitab Kulliyyat Rasa’il al-Nur? Apakah konsep PIBNiM berdasarkan Kitab Kulliyyat Rasa’il al-Nur? Bagaimanakah konsep PIBNiM membantu setiap aspek pembangunan insan? Menerusi persoalan-persoalan ini, tiga objektif utama dibentuk.
- PublicationKriteria Dan Tahap Kesetiaan Pekerja Perbankan Islam Di Banda Aceh, Indonesia(2016-11)Nurdin, RidwanKesetiaan pekerja merupakan satu pembahasan penting yang menarik minat banyak ahli sains pengurusan sumber manusia dan perilaku organisasi. Perkara ini disebabkan selain kerana kesetiaan pekerja akan menguntungkan majikan juga dapat dimanfaatkan kepada kemajuan dan pembangunan organisasi atau syarikat. Oleh itu pandangan Islam tentang kesetiaan pekerja Muslim perlu diambil berat, kerana pandangan lazim dianggap tidak mencukupi dari sisi kerangka kerja falsafah atau tasawumya. Isu ini boleh diselesaikan melalui konsep kesetiaan pekerja dalam perspektif Islam (KPI). Kajian ini memiliki tiga objektif, iaitu a) Mengenal pasti konsep KPI; b) Menganalisis dan membentuk kriteria KPI; dan c) Menilai kesetiaan pekerja di Institusi Perbankan Islam di Banda Aceh, Indonesia berdasarkan kriteria KPI. Kajian ini dibahagi kepada dua fasa, iaitu teoretikal dan empirikal.
- PublicationNatural Resources In Islamic-based Sustainable Development: A Case Study Of Negara Brunei Darussalam(2022-06)Ramli, Raudha MdThe oil and gas industry is the main contributor to the national income and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Negara Brunei Darussalam. Brunei’s dependence on the oil and gas industry exposes the country to long-term economic risks such as the drastic reduction of global oil prices, which could threaten its sustainable development. Therefore, how can Brunei reduce its dependency on oil and gas resources? Seeing that Brunei has incorporated Islam into its national philosophy and its aspiration and vision of national development, how can this philosophy, aspiration, and vision be executed as part of Brunei’s development strategy to ensure the sustainability of the country’s natural resources? Furthermore, how then can Islam form the basis for Brunei’s development plan? To answer these questions, three research objectives were derived. The first objective is to identify the concept of natural resources that is in line with Brunei’s sustainable development. The second objective is to analyse the vital natural resources available for sustainable development in Brunei based on the context of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB), Zikir Nation, and Brunei Vision 2035, while the third objective is to propose Islamic-based sustainable development strategies for Brunei. A qualitative-based case study framework was applied to collect three types of data: authentic sources, al-Qur’an and hadith; primary sources, semi-structured interviews; and secondary sources, published documents. The data was analysed using thematic content analysis.
- PublicationOrganization Communication Satisfaction On Job Performance With Behavioural Factors As Mediators And Moderators Among Nurses In Jordanian Public Hospitals(2023-07)In the competitive landscape of Jordanian public hospitals, it is crucial to understand the impact of nurse communication satisfaction on the quality of life, work engagement, and job performance. Employee engagement is an essential factor for hospital management as it positively influences employee performance, aids in employee retention, and increases productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between communication satisfaction, work-life balance, job performance, and engagement among Jordanian nurses. Data was collected from 391 employees, and the results indicated a significant positive impact of communication satisfaction on employee engagement. Therefore, improved communication in Jordanian healthcare facilities can enhance employee engagement, leading to better performance outcomes. The study contributes to the existing literature by examining the determinants of hospital nurses' performance from an individual's perspective, focusing on the effects of employee engagement and quality of work-life. The present investigation differs from prior research that only examined the relationship between job demands and job resources, as it explores the effects of communication satisfaction on job performance. The study sheds light on the underlying process linking job demands-resources and job performance, thereby providing a better understanding of the factors influencing job performance in Jordanian public hospitals.
- PublicationPembinaan Konsep Psiko-Hisbat Untuk Pengurusan Insan Berteraskan Islam(2023-08)Mhd Poad, Afifi FarhanaIslamic-based human management is a method of human management based on Islamic teachings that includes internal and external aspects. Among the main aspects that has been focussed in the human management based on Islam is the aspect of surveillance which consists of the spiritual surveillance, intellect, heart and desires of a human being. These four aspects are specific components of psychology which is an important aspect to be monitored to produce a good well-being in terms of emotional, spiritual and physical. However, until now, problems related to human psychology are seen to be increasingly worried to some extent that there are some issues involving extreme stress or depression that lead to suicide and so on. The question arised, is there an existing concept of Islamic psychological surveillance? how can a psychological surveillance approach in Islamic -based human management be done? and how can Islamic concept of hisbat can be integrated as a concept of human psychological surveillance? Based on these questions, this study aims to achieve three objectives. First, to identify the basic concepts of Islamic psychology and accountability in Islamic -based human management. Second, to analyze the concept of Islamic psychology and hisbat to build the concept of psycho-hisbat for Islamic-based human management. Third, to formulate the concept of psycho-mathematics for human management based on Islam. To achieve all these objectives, this study uses a basic qualitative research design through an inductive approach conducted in two phases.
- PublicationPemikiran Maqasid Al-syari‘at Dalam Ekonomi Islam Arus Perdana: Satu Penilaian(2023-09)Ahmad, NorashikinThe maqasid al-syari‘at thought refers to a school of thought in maqasid al-syari‘at that exists in understanding the knowledge of maqasid al-syari‘at. It is a knowledge discipline in the field of usul al-fiqh which currently draws attention. The main factor leading to its use is because this knowledge discipline covers the entire aspects of human life. In line with the current advancement, maqasid al-syari‘at also experiences its own phases of progress to the point it becomes an exceedingly crucial knowledge discipline. This is due to the coming of diverse schools of thought which exist in understanding maqasid al-syari‘at. It has been applied in a myriad of fields including Islamic economics. However, there have been claims stating that Islamic economics scholars are still acceptive of the tasawur, philosophical foundations, and definitions of conventional economics. The question is, does maqasid al-syari‘at underlie the constructive aspects in the mainstream Islamic economics? How is maqasid al-syari‘at stated or applied in the mainstream Islamic economics? Based on these problems, this study will be conducted based on three main objectives. First, to identify the concept of the maqasid al-syari‘at thought in the mainstream Islamic economics; second, to analyse the maqasid al-syari‘at thought in the mainstream Islamic economics; third, to formulate the pattern of the maqasid al-syari‘at thought in the mainstream Islamic economics. To achieve the objectives, this study utilized a basic qualitative design and used secondary data comprising a variety of prior books, research, and work and so forth
- PublicationPendekatan Pembangunan Nabi Sulayman A.S. Dalam Al-Qur’an: Kajian Tafsir Al-Mawdu‘iy(2023-02)Muhamad Hafizuddin Bin GhaniKajian ini cuba mengkaji pendekatan pembangunan Nabi Sulayman a.s. Kajian kualitatif ini dilakukan berdasarkan al-Qur’an secara tafsir al-mawdu’iy untuk mencapai tiga objektif kajian. Pertama, mengenal pasti ayat-ayat pendekatan pembangunan Nabi Sulayman a.s. dalam al-Qur’an. Kedua, menganalisis pendekatan pembangunan Nabi Sulayman a.s. berdasarkan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang dikenal pasti secara tafsir al-mawdu’iy. Ketiga, membina pendekatan pembangunan berdasarkan ayat-ayat pendekatan pembangunan Nabi Sulayman a.s.
- PublicationPengetahuan Fenomena Falak Nelayan Pesisiran Pantai Utara Kuching, Sarawak: Kajian Berdasarkan Perkaedahan Etno-falak(2023-09)Sulaiman, Nur Aida AthirahFenomena falak terhasil daripada pergerakan objek seperti bulan, matahari, bintang dan planet bukan hanya digunakan sebagai penentu waktu ibadah, tetapi dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat nelayan dalam menjalankan aktiviti perikanan. Pengetahuan fenomena falak nelayan memberi panduan dalam menghasilkan tangkapan yang optimum dan menjamin keselamatan nelayan di laut. Lazimnya, pengetahuan tersebut diketahui dan diamalkan oleh generasi nelayan lama dan berusia. Kesan penglibatan nelayan yang semakin berkurang memberi kesan kepada jumlah pendaratan ikan di laut dan secara langsung memberi impak kepada sumber ekonomi negara. Tambahan pula, pengetahuan fenomena falak nelayan semakin pupus dan sekiranya ia tidak dikaji, pengetahuan tersebut akan terus pupus rentetan daripada trend penglibatan nelayan yang semakin berkurang dan tiada pendokumentasian yang dilakukan. Oleh itu, timbul persoalan adakah perkaedahan etnoastronomi sesuai digunakan bagi mengkaji berkenaan nelayan Islam? Adakah terdapat perkaedahan berteraskan Islam seperti perkaedahan etno-falak? Bagaimanakah perkaedahan etno-falak boleh mengkaji pengetahuan fenomena falak dalam kalangan nelayan Muslim? Seterusnya, kelompok nelayan manakah yang sesuai dikaji? Justeru, bagi menjawab persoalan tersebut, empat objektif kajian dikemukakan. Pertama, mengenal pasti fenomena falak berdasarkan al-Qur’an. Kedua, mengenal pasti fenomena falak di pesisiran pantai Utara Kuching, Sarawak.
- PublicationPerwatakan Pelaku Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam Berdasarkan Tamthiliyyat Al-Qur’an: Kajian Tafsir Al-Mawdu‘Iy(2022-09)Nurul Farhana Binti YahayaKajian ini meneroka salah satu gaya bahasa al-Qur’an iaitu tamthiliyyat (perumpamaan) yang mengajak manusia untuk berfikir dan membentuk perwatakan yang ideal. Persoalannya, apakah ayat-ayat tamthiliyyat yang berkaitan dengan perwatakan pelaku pembangunan? Apakah golongan-golongan yang disebutkan dalam tamthiliyyat al-Qur’an? Bagaimanakah perwatakan dari tamthiliyyat mampu membentuk perwatakan ideal pelaku PBI? Berdasarkan persoalan ini, maka kajian ini cuba mengkaji perwatakan pelaku PBI yang ideal daripada al-Qur’an. Ia dilakukan secara tafsir al-mawdu‘iy bagi mencapai tiga objektif kajian. Pertama, mengenal pasti ayat-ayat yang mempunyai tamthiliyyat tentang perwatakan pelaku pembangunan dalam al-Qur’an. Kedua, menganalisis perwatakan pelaku PBI berdasarkan ayat-ayat tamthiliyyat yang dikenal pasti itu. Ketiga, merumuskan perwatakan ideal pelaku PBI berdasarkan ayat-ayat tamthiliyyat al-Qur’an. Bagi mencapai kesemua objektif tersebut, kajian kualitatif asas (basic qualitative) ini mengguna pakai kaedah analisis mawdu‘iy (tema atau tajuk).
- PublicationPsikospiritual Islam Untuk Pengurusan Kesihatan Mental(2022-06)Hashim, Siti Nur AafifahNearly half a million people in this country suffer from depression based on statistics from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) conducted by the Institute of Public Health (IKU) in 2019. Statistically, 2.3 percent of the country's people aged 16 and above have mental health problems. In fact, this number continues to rise at alarming levels when the whole world is hit by the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in various crises that also affect the mental health of individuals. As a result, many individuals experience stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, conflict of roles and values as well as emotional and interpersonal problems leading to global health problems, namely mental health problems. Taking into account the issue of increasing the rate of mental health problems around the world, a method of mental health management based on Islamic mysticism and epistemology was developed to address this issue. This study selects the Islamic psychospiritual concept as one of the methods of mental health management because this Islamic psychospiritual concept is integrated from the concept of Sufism, which has elements to prevent, treat and preserve the human mental holistically. However, what are the appropriate Islamic psychospiritual elements used as a set of menal health management methods? What about the mental health management method based on this Islamic psychospiritual concept? To answer the following questions, this study sets three objectives, identifying mental health in Islamic perspective, analyzing psychospiritual suitability for mental health and formulating Islamic psychospiritual implications for mental health management
- PublicationTeras Falsafah Dalam Pembentukan Konsep Perakaunan Islam(2022-10)Norazita Marina Binti Abdul AzizKajian mengenai pembentukan konsep perakaunan Islam berdasarkan teras falsafah Islam. Tesis ini mengandungi tiga objektif utama. Pertama, mengenal pasti teras falsafah Islam dalam konsep perakaunan Islam. Kedua, menganalisis konsep perakaunan Islam berasaskan teras falsafah Islam. Ketiga, merumuskan pembentukan model perakaunan Islam berasaskan teras falsafah Islam.
- PublicationThe Development Of Waqf For Poverty Alleviation In Adamawa State, Nigeria(2023-09)Yakubu, AminuWaqf is an Islamic endowment with the primary goal of assisting and alleviating poverty in Muslim nation. By given its numerous advantages, waqf has undeniably the ability to improve a society`s standard of living. Waqf practice addresses poverty, unemployment, and lack of support by providing human relief, financial assistance, and social necessities. However, the fact that Adamawa state is still plagued by the societal menace of poverty is humorous. Relatively disturbing is the frequency of the social threat of poverty is increasing in the state that is affecting educational, health and social life of people. Unemployment among youth and adults is rising rapidly across the state, contributing to the state`s terrible poverty. Many children are exploited, and some of them are forced to work in unhealthy and dangerous situations as a result of their parent’s failure to pay for their needs and sustenance. The purpose of this research is to look into waqf practice in Adamawa state, Nigeria, as well as the administration, institutions, and their effects on poverty alleviation in Adamawa state. In addition, the study discusses how waqf practice can be used to enhance economy and to create job opportunity. The study also discusses suitable recommendations and resolutions to the social and economic challenges confronting the state. This study used basic qualitative research method to examine the waqf practice activities in Adamawa state. Interview were completed with twelve informants from the different categories of people within Adamawa state, which include Islamic scholars, academicians, and waqf practitioners.
- PublicationThe Influence Of Liquidity Management On Efficiency, Performance And Risk Taking In Islamic Banking Industry(2021-11)Tahir AlamThe main objective of the study is to examine the influence of liquidity management on efficiency, performance and risk taking from the top ten Islamic banking countries. This study also focuses the discussion on the moderating effect of the Shariah Governance between the relationship of the liquidity management and risk-taking, performance, and efficiency.
- PublicationThe Recruitment Criteria Of Sharia Committee Members Of Islamic Banks In Malaysia: An Analysis Based On Adab Al-Fatwa Wa Al-Mufti Wa Al-Mustafti By Al-Nawawi(2022-08)Auwal, SalisuThe Sharia Committee is considered as one of the most important parts of the Sharia governance system in Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). They played many roles in the Islamic banking industry such as supervision, consultation, review of new products, fatwa issuance and many others within the IFIs. However, Sharia committee members (SCMs) are facing new issues and challenges that the development and improvement of a comprehensive Sharia governance framework seem to be needed today more than before. Thus, the institutionalization of Islamic fatwa in Malaysia became main factor of incorporating and developing its guidelines of recruitment and appointment criteria of SCMs based on al-Nawawiy’s thought and according to Sharia Governance Policy Document (SGPD2019) for having sufficient enough Sharia compliance in the Islamic banks (IBs) in Malaysia, as soon as it is institutionalized then the recruitment criteria of Islamic muftiys would be duly incorporated to SCMs of IBs. As such, this research is conducted to identify, analyze and conceptualize the qualities and qualifications of SCMs. A document research was reviewed, and content was analyzed with content analysis, also qualitative method was used in conducting interviews for Sharia officers, heads of Sharia committee, members of Sharia committees and academician with Islamic banking and finance background using purposive sampling.
- Publication